Saturday, August 31, 2019

Developmental Theories in Juno

The movie  Juno  is not only an excellent representation of film and the creative process coming together to create characters and a story that draws in the audience and allows them to invest themselves in the lives of the characters, but it is also an excellent example of the developmental process. This is because the movie reflects not only the development of its protagonist Juno MacGuff and her emotional growth and development, but also her physical development throughout her pregnancy.Juno  begins with the adolescent protagonist, sixteen year old  Juno MacGuff, realizing that her one night stand with her friend and long-time crush, Paulie Bleeker, has resulted in her being pregnant. However when Juno goes to the clinic to receive the abortion, she finds that both her conscience and the pro-life protesting of a fellow classmate prevent her from going through with the deed. This conflict and resulting action are what spur the young Juno on to the exceptional level of growth and development that are experienced by both her and the audience throughout the film.After nervously telling her dysfunctional parents about her pregnancy, a difficult task for any young and unsuspecting expectant mother, Juno decides that what is best for her child is to carry it to term and place it with a loving family who can provide it with what she herself cannot. From this point in the movie on, Juno's growth is more than evident, as the process of deciding on adoptive parents for her unborn child pushes her to the limits as to what a person of her age should be dealing with.After searching through a local paper Juno decides on an infertile couple from the suburbs of Minnesota, Mark and Vanessa, that is seemingly perfect, and upon meeting them they seem to be the perfect fit for her. However, as the young Juno's confidence in her decision grows, the stability of Mark and Vanessa's relationship is tested as Mark begins to befriend Juno and their mutual love of rock and horro r films makes Mark realize not only the sacrifices he has had to make personally to make his marriage work, but also whether or not a child is what he wants at this point in his life.The arising conflict, which puts extra strain on Mark's relationship with Vanessa, who is so sure in her desire to have a child, results in their separation and the falling apart of what seemed such a perfect solution to Juno's predicament. Mark and Vanessa's separation hits Juno especially hard, because in her helpless situation Mark and Vanessa's seemingly perfect situation not only grounded her but gave her hope, as her birth parent's divorce and the dysfunctional relationship between her father and stepmother seem to give her no hope for happiness now or later in life.As Juno's pregnancy reaches full-term her faith in others and relationships is restored when she realizes that Vanessa's desire and love for her unborn child makes her more than suitable to be the mother of her child, which also gives her the courage to express her true feelings for her friend Paulie. The movie ends on an inspirational and hopeful note, with Juno having a healthy baby boy  whom Vanessa willingly and lovingly accepts, and Juno and Paulie entering into a healthy and stable relationship.After watching the movie with some knowledge of the process of growth and development, the role that Bronfenbrenner's, Piaget's, and Erickson's theories played in Juno's development. Urie Bronfenbrnner stressed the importance of the systems that surround each person, and the significant impact they have on that person's development. These systems are the microsystem, which is made up of friends, family, and school, the ecosystem, which includes things such as the school system, religious organization, and workplace, and the macrosystem, which include cultural values, economic policies, and political policies.Juno  stresses the importance the microsystem and macrosystem play in a person's development. Juno's micro system is dysfunctional, and her relationship with her parents affects her development and her relationship with her friends and the other students at her school. The divorce between her father and her mother, who now has a new family and only sends her a cactus on Valentine's Day, and her impaired relationship with her stepmother have resulted in her adopting an abrupt and unusual persona that cause her to be somewhat of an outcast at school, as well as being unsure about her own relationships in the cases of Paulie and Mark.Additional strain is placed on Juno by the cultural values of her macrosystem, as the scorn she is shown by her peers and the staff at her school over her pregnancy causes her to feel angry with Paulie. Jean Piaget described the four periods of cognitive development, and Juno's ability to think and reason analytically show that she is in the formal operational stage of her cognitive development. This stage is characterized by adolescents thinking â€Å"about a bstractions and hypothetical concepts and reason analytically, not just emotionally.They can be logical about things they have never experienced. † (Berger, 2008, p. 45 Table 2. 2). The character of Juno is an excellent example of this development, because throughout her pregnancy, which is an extremely emotional time, she is able to reason logically about what is best for her baby without being driven solely by emotion. Juno's decision to still give her child to Vanessa, who she knows will be a great mother, after Mark leaves her (which Juno blames herself for), showcases Juno's ability to reason logically without emotion.Also, Juno's decision to have her child and to give it away to Mark and Vanessa despite how difficult it will be emotionally displays her ability to be logical about what is best for her and her child despite having never experienced the situation before. Erik Erickson describes eight critical developmental stages of psychosocial development, and the stage t hat the adolescent Juno is in is identity vs. role confusion. This stage emphasizes the importance of social relationships and the primary task is finding one's own personal identity.Failure to receive identity achievement results in role confusion, and for part of the film this seems that the dysfunctional relationships in her life will make this happen to Juno. However, a conversation with her father about the importance of finding someone who truly loves and knows you gives Juno the realization of who she is and what exactly it is that she wants. This spurs Juno on to enter into a relationship with Paulie, and after having the baby, is content with who she is and what she wants.Juno, is a film that is not only valuable for its cinematic content, but also for its accurate representation of development, including physical, cognitive, and psychosocial. The growth of the film's young protagonist Juno is not only representative of the hardships of teenage pregnancy and their effects o n a young woman, but that successful development can occur despite these hardships when there is a proper balance of emotional and environmental factors.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How Steinbeck Presents the Relationship in ‘of Mice and Men’

The book was set in California in the 1930's when America had a great depression which affected everyone because everyone was unemployed and had to travel to look for work so it is showing George and Lennie traveling together to achive their dream, like everyone else in America, which is very unrealistic which is why they travel together. In the book there is a theme of loneliness. George and Lennie plan to buy a farm for just them two to live on so they wont have to worry about being lonely. â€Å"Well, we'll have a big vegetable patch and a rabbit hutch and chickens.And when it rains in the winter, we'll just say the hell with goin' to work, and we'll build up a fire in the stove and set around it an' listen to the rain comin' down on the roof.. † There dream is giving them something to work for so they can forget about being lonely and have a great life. The writer presents George and Lennies relationship as close but George gets really protective of Lennie. ‘Hide in the brush till I come for you. dont let nobody see you. ‘ This shows that George does not want Lennie to get caught if he does something bad.But if he does get caught he wants him to be safe and so they can stay together. This is also giving the reader a little clue that he might get in trouble later on in the story. Without a doubt the writer succsessfully shows George and Lennies relationship as not very good at times. ‘When I think of the swell time I could have without you I go nuts. ‘ This is suggesting that George is getting very sick of Lennie always getting them both in trouble because whenever he does do something bad they both have to move and get a new job.He is also getting sick of Lennies childish behaviour and how he constantly has to remind Lennie what to do and tell him about their plans all of the time. When George says this Lennie tells him taht if he wants he will go off on is own and live by himself because he knows George cares about him but th inks he is too much for him to handle. This means that George doesen't want Lennie around all the time because he is too much bother and he is ruining Georges life. Also George wants them to stick together bacause it is during the great depression. The writer also shows George as a father figure for Lennie by how he tells Lennie what to do. Lennie, for god sakes, don’t drink so much’. This is because George cares for Lennie and doesn’t want him to get sick. It is like how a parent would tell their child not to drink too much and to not be greedy. When George syas for god sakes it shows how George is getting a bit annoyed at Lennie because he says it sort of snapping at him. ‘George raised the gun and steadied it and brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennies head’. George shoots Lennie because he is always getting them both into trouble and George is getting sick of it.The writer drags it out to build up the tension so the reader can imag ine how horrible it would be for George to do it after he promised Lennies aunt that he would look after him. George cares for Lennie so he doesn’t want him to get hurt, ‘Get him Lennie, don’t let him do it’. This is particularly effective because it shows how George wants Lennnie to be able to fight back and stick up for himself so he doesn’t have to fight for him all of the time, but doesn’t want Lennie to be pushed around all the time so it shows that their relationship is close. Where we going George? ’ ‘So you forgot already did you? I gotta tell you again? ’ Lennie forgets everything, so George always has to remind him of their plans and what they are doing which is why George gets very annoyed with him at times. When George says again this is showing that he has already explaind their plans to Lennie and that he is slowly getting sick of telling him. Also when he says already this is showing that George is expecting Lennie to forget what he told him but he didn't expect it to be quite so soon.Lennie looks up to George and copies everything he does. Lennie who had been watching imitated George exactly. This is because he follows George around all the time so he is like a father figure. Also because George does everything right, Lennie wants to be just like him. George tells Lennie to stay away from Curly and his wife because he knows that they are trouble and he doesn’t want Lennie getting them both in bother with Curly. This is showing George as being very protective of Lennie because he knows what Curly is like and he knows that he will end up getting hurt.In the beginning, Geeorge and Lennie are on their way to where they will start work because Lennie got them both in big trouble at their last job because he is clumsy and doesn’t think, which is why George has to tell hime what to do and keep him out of trouble like a parent and their child. George has to tell Lennie where to go if he gets in trouble because he knows he will get into trouble because he always gets into trouble but he wants to make sure that he is okay and that they can stay together and so George can look after Lennie like he promised his aunt.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Marketing and Micro Environment Essay

Effective marketing incorporates macro and micro-marketing strategies, terms that may not be very familiar to many small businesspeople. They are important concepts, though, that when applied effectively can help to boost advertising results. Even small businesses can learn how–and why–to consider the impacts of macro and micro impacts in their planning and strategy. Micro Environment The micro environment, as the name suggests, is the immediate environment that impacts a business. The micro environment includes considerations related to suppliers, customers and local stakeholders, including local government agencies or regulatory bodies. The micro environment can generally be considered the local environment where the business operates and the business owner is likely to be somewhat aware of the impacts that they are faced with. Macro Environment The macro-environment includes those things that may impact small businesses but which are outside of their control. It is the larger, external environment within which businesses operate from an industry or economic standpoint. Using Strategy Effectively In considering the micro and macro impacts on a business, internal and external factors must be considered. Businesses use a variety of tools in planning to consider these impacts, including the SWOT, which is strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; analysis; the PEST, which is political, economic, social, technological, and Porter’s 5-Forces Analysis, which is the threat of new competitors, the level of competition, the threat of substitute products, and the bargaining power of customers and suppliers.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Discussion 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion 1 - Essay Example 14). People opting to make purchases are hesitant to use the Internet or wireless technology due to security concerns since some electronic sites do not provide appropriate security and protection for shoppers and compromise details of personal information, especially those that necessiate divulging bank account numbers or credit card details. These concerns are warranted, since according to the information provided by Buenaventura (2011), â€Å"130,000,000 credit card numbers was compromised 2 years ago, which still holds the record for the largest security breach on the Internet† (par. 11). These are potentially influenced by age, educational background and profession since those who are prolific users of the internet are mostly the young generation and those who unsuspectively divulge personal information. Discussion 2: Potential Consequences: Discuss what the consequences should be for not adhering to security policy guidelines. Where or how should these consequences be communicated to employees? Do you think there should be stronger and better-defined government-specified policies/laws for the general public? Organizations that define security policy guidelines should clearly indicate infractions and penalties for violations. These should be communicated to the employees through their policy manuals and code of discipline. One strongly believes that stronger and better-defined government-specified policies and regulations; as well as stiffer penalties for those found to be violating security protocols and standards on privacy and confidentiality should be imposed to minimize and ultimately eliminate security breaches. Discussion 3: Tell me what is on your mind about Information Systems and operating systems?   What good articles have you read lately? Tell me what you think about this discussion question. Information systems (IS) are â€Å"used to capture, create, store,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Glyconutrients Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Glyconutrients - Essay Example N-acetylneuraminic acid Breast milk Important for brain development and learning lowers the LDL and inhibits strains of influenza A and B, bacteria and other pathogens Glyconutrients Food sources Main feature Effects of individuals well being as claimed by drug companies Xylose Grains- wheat, rye and barley Carrot, beet, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, lettuce, parsley, rhubarb, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage and asparagus Used as a substitute for sucrose and corn sweeteners Antibacterial, antifungal and prevent cancer Galactose Dairy products, legumes, algae, many fruits and vegetables Found in combination with glucose to form a disaccharide called lactose Inhibit tumour growth, enhances healing of wounds , decrease inflammation and triggers long-term memory formation Glucose Milk, mushrooms, various fruits and vegetables and grains Ubiquitous saccharide Memory enhancement, proper calcium absorption Table 2. Concentration of glycoprotein on different tissues. The graph shows the specific activity of radio labelled glycoprotein administered to rats at 1 and 8 hrs expressed as d.p.m/gm wet weight of tissue. As noted , "only the liver and intestines decrease whereas all the other organs show a 2- to 6-fold increase in specific activity" (Alton et al 1997 Figure 7). Table 3. "Peripheral neutrophil counts and other therapy parameters during discontinuation and resumption of fucose therapy. Peripheral neutrophil counts, fucose doses, serum fucose levels, body temperature, and C reactive protein (CRP) were recorded for each time point as indicated." (Luhn et al. 2001, Figure 1) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Functions of the Glycoprotein (Nature 1995 cited in GoGlyco 2005) Figure 2. Illustration of...2001, Figure 1) As evidenced by the increasing literature, one of the "hottest" new fields of medical and nutritional break through is glycobiology. Glyconutrients are monosaccharides or carbohydrates that are attached to proteins or lipids and are collectively called glycocongugates. These glycocongugates, found in surface of cells play an important role in biological activities and any imbalance of these glyconutrients would then result to disease. Controlled clinical studies in humans and animals utilizing state-of-the-art analytical and diagnostic are presented in this report showing that glyconutrients 1) play important roles in both normal physiology and disease, 2) can be effectively assimilated when provided as dietary supplements, 3) have biological activities that are beneficial or potentially therapeutic for certain diseases and 4) are safe when provided in the diet. However, the claim of drug companies that glyconutrients "heals" diseases is still vague; more research still needs to be conducted. Glycobiology, dubbed by Science Magazine (2001) as the Cinderella, is now the new wave moving through the walls of modern medicine and science.

Literal Comprehension - Reading Strategies Essay

Literal Comprehension - Reading Strategies - Essay Example Each page and chapter may encompass a tedious load for the student hence command in the subject of discussion is key and rivets a methodological loom involving a number of steps. There is a myriad of textbook reading systems, many of which have three stages in common: a pre-reading stage, a reading stage and a post reading stage. Exposing learners to these systems empowers them to culture a system of critiquing issues, strategic approach to reading and establishing a student centered textbook study system. A proper reading system should entail the learner combing through a given text to unearth its gist. Skimming through the titles and sub headings to decipher issues of uttermost interest, problems highlighted and queries posed. Desist from overemphasis on analysis of pieces. This is encouraged to jumpstart the learners’ innate prowess to overcome torpor and gain impetus for reading. The major discrepancy between an excellent student and poor students is the mode of study. Inadequate students highlight points in textbooks and hope that they will be able to comprehend it later while excellent students use a learning system. A study system enables the student to filter the key ideas under test, and provides a way of settling them through generation of solutions The main difference between good students and poor students is the way they study. Poor students read their textbooks, underline, and hope that the significant points stick in their memories. Good students use a study system. A study system helps you choose the key ideas that are likely to be on a test, and it gives you a way to memorize them. There are many study systems. Some students outline chapters and memorize their outlines. Some students make chapter summaries. But the most efficient study system of all is SQ3R, which stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. SQ3R was designed for textbook reading, and it is

Monday, August 26, 2019

Ethics, Moral dilemmas, and the Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethics, Moral dilemmas, and the Law - Assignment Example dilemma of freedom versus control, telling the truth versus deception, the distribution of resources dilemma, plus the application of empirical knowledge versus personal beliefs (Guido, 2010). In applying any of these, nurses should do so to protect the lives of their patients and discharge their duties in an ethical manner. (Koutoukidis, et al., 2013)Â  states that understanding the law is a crucial integral of the nursing education. This is because there are legal issues that create a dilemma to the nursing fraternity. Nurses are faced with the problem of choosing to attend to their patients who could have been hurt in a crime and reporting them to the police. They also face the risk of the likelihood of breaking the law in the event of their working. They are required to honour their civil contract of service regardless of the situation. If they contravene any of these laws, a nurse risks being prosecuted. Moral dilemma in nursing arises when a number of morally conflicting issues arise. A nurse who has respect for life and values its sanctity will have difficulties in termination an unwanted pregnancy, whether it is likely going to save the mother’s life or not. The nurse understands of the psychological torment or pain that the mother is likely to be going through, yet she cannot do what she considers to be morally bad. Such a nurse knows what morally is right, but institutional constrains render it impossible for her to institute the right thing (Fitzpatrick & Kazer,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

U decide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

U decide - Essay Example He insisted that if the research is basically aimed at bringing a cure to the existing diseases, this will not remedy the future health needs because the same diseases will keep recurring in the future (Bostrom and Roache 3). However, Gregory states that, â€Å"the desire to triumph over our own mortality is an ancient dream though it never stands alone† (Stock 9). This means that by focusing on creation of a stronger and healthier human species will require the effort of the researchers and the entire population to focus on applying the appropriate technology to ensure that there is attainment of gains in the life expectancy of human beings and to ensure that it slows down the rate of human aging. He notes that aging is the main cause of death of human beings in many nations and the researchers will efficiently deal with this if they focus on improving the human species in a way that they become old without aging and ensuring that they are able to live longer. Human beings will therefore remain fit and healthy indefinitely. Stock also supports his stand by explaining that if researchers focus on improving the health status of the human species, it will result to improvement of health capabilities ensuring that the physical capabilities of the human species are improved. This will involve improving the bodily capacities including dexterity, strength, coordination and conditioning. He also argues that the improvements in the human species will come along with attributes of personality improvement and though these conditions are not classified as diseases, they will be part of the positive results obtained from the process. An example of this will be that people who are compulsi ve will become more relaxed and those that have a low self-esteem will become more confident. Another positive result that Stock argued would result from the improvement of the human species would be the cognitive capacities. The resulting

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Business Structures Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Structures - Coursework Example General corporations exhibit unlimited life. They continue to exist upon the death of the shareholders. It is easier to transfer the ownership of a general corporation. Such transfer take place through sale of stock and does not affect the management of the business. As a business structure, general corporations have limitations. Relative to sole proprietorship, general corporations are expensive to start due to the large capital base required. The formation of general corporations entails more legal formality. They are also subject to many federal and state rules and regulations during their operations. Formation of S Corporation businesses depend on the decision of the owners to avoid income tax while at the same time keep enjoying the advantages associated with limited liability of corporations. In terms of advantages, the S corporations exhibit the same benefits as the general corporations. Distinction between the advantages of the two businesses structures sets in when it comes to tax issue (Jamison, 2009). S corporations enjoy exemption from double taxation that is mandatory for the general corporations. S Corporations escape from double taxation because reporting of incomes occurs once during the filing of personal tax returns of the shareholders. The liability of shareholders in S Corporation is limited. The major disadvantage of this type of business structure is the dominance in decision-making by the majority shareholder. At times, .the decision made may not be to the best interest of other shareholders. The shareholders in the S corporation must come from the United Stat es. Aliens do not have the right to run the business type. During formation of this business structure, certificate of incorporation is a requirement. A limited liability company combines limited liability features of corporations and limited taxation of sole proprietorship.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Boeing Aircraft Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Boeing Aircraft Company - Research Paper Example Nevertheless, the company has been taking little interest on the satisfaction of the customer and segmentation of the market in order to concentrate on a specific market. Instead, the company has been generalizing the market in order to earn trust of all customers (Norris & Wagner, 2005). On the other hand, Airbus has concentrated on diversifying the market in order to increase its market size. In addition, the company has segmented the market an aspect that has enabled it to position itself strategically in the market and earn customer loyalty. Initially, airbus was struggling financially but the move by Boeing Company to concentrate on huge aircrafts that require heavy investment gave the company an advantage over its competitor. Instead, the company has concentrated on producing aircrafts of all sizes in order to satisfying the varying demands in the market (Newhouse, 2007). One of the major similarities between two companies is that if one removes the name of the company in the specification sheet, the forthcoming Airbus A350 XWB commercial jet can easily be confused with that of Bowing 787 Dreamliner. The production process is so similar that it will take someone sometime before distinguishing the two (Norris & Wagner, 2005). Secondly, A350 of Airbus will be manufactured with approximately 53% of carbon fiber while 787 aircraft that belong to Boeing Company will be made of 50% of carbon fiber. Both aircrafts have the ability to fly for eight thousands miles without the need of being refueled (Norris & Wagner, 2005). In terms of fuel consumption, A350 has the capacity to consume 25% less in comparison with that of Boeing. Nevertheless, Boeing 787 is claimed to have been made to consume 15% fuel less in comparison to a similar-sized Boeing 767 (Peng, 2009). With the increasing rivalry between the two companies, mostly, the companies are

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Police Influence on Society Essay Example for Free

Police Influence on Society Essay Historically, this nation of the United States has proven many times over its dominance over those who are different to those in power. The United States has proven time and again that it can and will discriminate against others it considers less than equal. This is proven and demonstrated to all U. S citizens and those who are not, in our history books throughout school. Every year affording student’s new information of how the United States demonstrates its power over those that are different. From the demise of many Native American tribes; the internment of Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor; the discrimination and segregation of African Americans; to the constant current discrimination to those people of different origins, whose language and customs differ from that of the status quo. The United States; although, has demonstrated preference to what is referred to as â€Å"White privilege† has consistently demonstrated countless efforts and successes against prejudice and discrimination that have led this country to focus continually on equality and justice for all. The dominant group is the group in power and so by definition is the group that establishes control. In order for a nation, such as the United States, to establish a dominance that will encourage all people to follow suit, the key lies in establishing a common ground. Control in itself is a trait that no one wants as a descriptor, but as a way to describe a united front it is more than acceptable. Having control over a population through laws and regulations that the people themselves agree to is control through the general consent. Laws and regulations meant to establish order and protection to its people also establish control within the government that governs over the people. Policing is a primary way for the government to serve and protect its people as well as its own interests. Policing serves many purposes but the primary purpose is to protect. But, who do the police protect? The wealthy have an economic position that frees them from the need to commit crimes such as theft, while the poor live in economic despair that tempts them to commit these crimes, or so it is believed. In reality, no one is exempt of crime; anyone is capable of committing crimes and need is not always the deciding factor. Those fortunate of economic wealth also enjoy the privilege of a high social status, and those of high social status do not need nor do they commit crimes. A myth, of course, but still believed by many. On the other hand, the less fortunate suffer discrimination based on their poor economic status among other factors. â€Å"Minorities experience unequal treatment and have less power over their lives than members of a dominant group† (Robert McNamara, 2009). To understand how discrimination has changed throughout the years, it is important to understand the gradual but never ending influx of people from different countries into American soil. The concept of discrimination is fairly odd considering all people within the United States with the exception of Native Americans are all immigrants to this great nation and yet generation after generation people continually do to new cultures that which was once experienced by them and is possibly still experienced by their race or ethnic group. People that have lived within the United States eventually gain a sense of â€Å"national identity† and â€Å"identify with being part of the larger society† (Robert McNamara, 2009). With so many different people coming in to the country they not only bring everything which is good about their culture but also that which is negative and affects the U.S as a whole. Discrimination is not based solely on a different culture; race, etc. but rather the negative aspects endured by the American public by a few anti-social individuals that bring disgrace upon a certain group. The events occurring on September 11th were not the actions of all Arabs or Muslims, but rather of a few and because of them all that resemble those who attacked have become the target of discrimination. Because of the actions of certain individuals, the groups that they belong to or are associated with tend to be at the receiving end of discrimination to the point that law enforcement finds it necessary to profile in order to perform their duties (Bass, 2001). Policing in the United States reflects discriminatory actions much like many other countries. The race or ethnic background in American history, when it refers to discrimination is not relative because discrimination is not limited to certain groups. Discrimination is an act that affects those that are different from the dominant population. Law enforcement discriminates not because someone is from a different race or because a race or ethnic group commits a certain amount or types of crime. Discrimination in its purest form is simply â€Å"White America† unwilling to accept difference and those with â€Å"national identity† forgetting their own history. References Bass, S. (2001). Policing space, policing race: Social control imperatives and police discretionary decisions. Social Justice, 28(1), 156-176. Retrieved from Chan, J. (2011). Racial Profiling and Police Subculture. Canadian Journal Of Criminology Criminal Justice, 53(1), 75-78. MacNamara, R. H., Burns, R. (2009). Multiculturalism in the criminal justice system. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. The Criminology and Criminal Justice Collective of Northern Arizona University. (2009). Investigating difference: Human and cultural relations in criminal justice (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Dust Bowl Essay Example for Free

The Dust Bowl Essay The dust bowl was a period of severe dust storms that causes damage to prairie lands from 1930 to 1936, some areas until 1940. Whoever thought before this that dust could kill Americans and affect their life’s forever. This historical event will be a moment in time that will be in our memories forever because it is an event to learn from and never forget. The main states that were affected by the dust bowl were Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas , and New Mexico. Nebraska, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, and some parts of Canada were also affected. These states were affected because there was a lot of farming and in this area and because of the warm climate they acquire very bad droughts. These dust storms were caused by severe drought and poor farming techniques such as no crop rotation. They dug to deep into the ground, which destroyed all of the roots and grass in the ground that holds the soil down. Having too much agriculture, planting, overgrazing, and harsh winters were too much for the land to handle. Farmers also did not use the correct methods for the environment, which caused erosion. For example cotton farmers cleared fields and left them for the winter months. Winds are the highest during this time, so the grasses that should have held the soil in place were not there. This created huge dust clouds because of the dry topsoil being carried in the wind In 1932, 14 dust storms were recorded in the plains. In 1933, there were 38 storms. In 1934, around 100 million acres of farm land had lost almost all of the top soil because of the wind. The dust storms caused dirt to get into houses no matter how hard the family tried to prevent it from happening Dirt also got into automobile engines and caused problems and even prevented them from operating. People wore masks to prevent the dust from getting into their lungs, but yet hospitals reported hundreds of patients sick with dust pneumonia Often these dust storms would come so suddenly that farmers would get trapped out in their fields and would suffocate The dust storms were so bad that people could not continue living there any longer. Many families packed their belongings and left there homes. Victims of the dust bowl migrated to California and other places on the west coast. They tried to go wherever they could in search of jobs. Many of them did not find jobs because of the depression. Often families lived in tar-paper hacks with no floor or plumbing. By 1940, 2. 5 million people moved from the dust bowl states. Government programs were set up to help the farmers and their families Programs were developed for soil conservation, and new methods and techniques were taught. The government also gave the farmer money and seeds to help them start over. The farmers were told to plant trees and grass to anchor the soil so that the same problems would continue no longer.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Introduction Hamlet It is important to note that Hamlet itself is a transformation, of form as well as ideas, which is based upon other transformations. Indeed the metatheme of Hamlet is transformation (whereas Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is about the inability to effect transformation or change). Tom McAlindon, in an article entitled What is a Shakespearean Tragedy, draws our attention to the fact that Hamlet, like Shakespeares other tragedies, has an intense focus on the phenomenon of change: change is not just one of worldly fortunes; it is above all else interpersonal, moral, and psychological change. An essential part of the heros experience is the horrified discovery that the world he knows and values, the people he loves and trusts, are changing or have changed utterly. He feels cheated and betrayed to the very heart of loss. (p.6) Shakespeare was writing in the tradition of Revenge Tragedy, sometimes referred to as Theatre of the Blood. Elizabethan and Jacobean versions of revenge tragedy borrowed heavily from the tragedies of Seneca (4 BC-65 AD), a Roman dramatist whose tragedies were published in 1581. Seneca, in turn, based his tragedies on Greek mythology and he appeared to have been influenced by Aristotle (384-322 BC). Students should acquaint themselves with the features of these tragedies. Shakespeare borrowed, and indeed transformed his tragedies from the classical form in a number of ways, such as the inclusion of comic elements (comic relief, satire, mocking, parody etc), the common man character and showing on stage acts of violent passion. Shakespeare also appears to have borrowed quite extensively from a contemporary of his, Thomas Kyd (1558-1594) whose revenge tragedy The Spanish Tragedy was not only enormously popular but very influential to all in the Elizabethan and Jacobean drama industry. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Stoppard has written three, what some would refer to as irreverent, transformations of Shakespeares tragedies: Doggs Hamlet, Cahoots Macbeth and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. This enterprise is quite audacious as he is not just transforming plays but modern classics. When asked why he chose Hamlet he responded: [Hamlet] is the most famous play in any language, it is part of a sort of common mythology. Stoppard also writes in a tradition; in his case the tradition of the Theatre of the Absurd. The literary term Theatre of the Absurd was coined by the critic Martin Esslin and refers to tendencies in drama to portray life as meaningless and absurd which emerged in Paris in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Absurdist Theatre itself can be seen as a transformation of Dadaism and Surrealism, two early twentieth century aesthetic philosophies which focused on a sense of bewilderment at the violence, depravity, and hopelessness they believed endemic to the human condition in the twentieth century. By challenging conventional theatre and traditional views The Theatre of the Absurd attempted to shock the audience into questioning its own values and assumptions. The drama portrayed was not meant to be regarded in the same terms as realist drama but rather as a drama of ideas. Dramatic features often included meaningless exchanges due to a distrust of language as a means of communication, a por trayal of life as meaningless through a lack of dramatic suspense, abstracted and minimalist settings, comic treatment of traditional themes and a blurring of reality and fiction. There is often a sense of playfulness at times drawing attention to their own artifice. There is also a close link with existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophical movement that explores the question of existence and how it is defined, particularly in a world in which meaning appears to have disappeared. The terrible events of the two World Wars accelerated the waning of religious faith which had started with the Enlightenment. There was a general mood of disillusionment with so called civilized values. The absurd plays of dramatists such as Ionesco, Genet, Beckett and Pinter all depict humanity as bewildered and anxious in the face of a loss of meaning. Stoppard uses Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead as a vehicle to express these ideas and draws upon what is probably Shakespeares most existential work, Hamlet. Hamlets famous To be or not to be speech is the intertextual echo that resounds throughout Stoppards play. Stoppard has also appropriated Becketts influential absurdist play Waiting for Godot. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern mirror the predicament of Vladimir and Estragon, two lost souls waiting for something to happen. They are stranded between modernity and postmodernity. They long for the security of a grand narrative to make sense of their lives but can only engage in futile speculation about the meaning of it all. They are on the verge of a breakthrough to an acceptance of their postmodern condition of fragmentation, but dont quite make it. Stoppards transformation of Hamlet can be seen as a formalized 20th century statement regarding the nature of truth: it is contingent, contextual and ultimately unknowable. This, of course, is Rosencrantz and Guildensterns dilemma; they are trapped in limbo between knowing and not knowing. Stoppard has been criticized for omitting certain scenes (e.g. III, ii and iii) which portray Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in a light other than two bewildered innocents. However it should be remembered Stoppard is interested in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as victims. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is his creation. He has taken an idea from Hamlet and developed it dramatically. What he is not interested in is critiquing Hamlet. Students should make lists of the scenes in Hamlet which have been incorporated into Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, and write down what has been added and what has been changed. Then you should consider how these contribute to Stoppards purpose. Context Hamlet The flourishing of Revenge Tragedy in Shakespeares time was fuelled by the enormous changes taking place in Elizabethan and Jacobean society. His was an age characterized by turmoil and uncertainty. The division of the church in England divided the people into Catholics and Protestants. Religious doubt, albeit carefully disguised, was becoming more prevalent. The consequent unrest and suspicion often resulted in surveillance and betrayal in personal relations as well as in the broader social and political sphere. Assassination attempts on Elizabeth and James resulted in cruel and brutal retaliations. There was also the ever present threat of foreign invasion to add to the feelings of insecurity. Medieval feudalism was in decline, but it was dying a defiant death; the aristocracy resorted to harsh measures to shore up its authority and maintain the hierarchical order which had served it so well. Hamlet dramatically reflects this challenge to tradition, the political instability of his society and the religious questioning. Medieval-renaissance-modern; feudalism-sceptism-humanism-individualism; old world moral absolutes-new world rational scepticism; religious certainties-inner doubt and psychological probing. Humanism and notion of identity. Hamlet asks the modern questions, who am I? and what am I doing here? Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Stoppard began writing Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead in 1964 and it was first performed in 1966 at the Edinburgh Fringe Theatre. The 20th century, and more specifically the late 20th century, was a time of change and turmoil. The sixties was characterized by an irreverent mood born out of a period of rebellion and challenge to existing structures and beliefs. In all areas of social activity Stoppards society (which is mainly first world, capitalist, democratic and relatively affluent) was undergoing transformation. Many characterize this historical period as the turn on, tune in, drop out generation because of its experimentation with drugs, alternative lifestyles and sexually promiscuous attitudes. Others characterize the sixties as a decade of student political protest. They cite the anti-Vietnam campaigns, nuclear disarmament protests and the Paris student riots as important landmarks in the politicization of young people. The British popular culture scene included television comedy in the form of Monty Pythons Flying Circus and Englands first soap opera Coronation Street, the pop music explosion kick started by the Beatles, stage musicals such as Oliver, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat a nd Jesus Christ Superstar. The mood of questioning, rebellion and playfulness can be seen in the way that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead travesties Hamlet; the tragedians, serious in their treatment of Death and holding a mirror up to life in Hamlet are now reduced to comedians and potential pornographers in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. The treatment of death has also undergone a transformation from the profound to the comic, from high tragedy to slapstick comedy. 20th Century despair-nihilism-death of god-existentialism and the notion of identity-swinging sixties-optimism and disillusionment-modernism-postmodernism-Theatre of the Absurd-nonheroic-Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ask the modern questions, who am I? and what am I doing here? Ideas/Themes Change * Consistency and inconsistency * Tradition and progress Hamlet is about change and transition whereas Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is about the inability to effect transformation or change. Where Hamlet undergoes a transformation in perspective and acts to influence events, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are seen as impotent little men unable to influence events. Death * What is death? * What is it to die? Throughout literature there is a strong connection between truth and death. The quest for meaning is seen in terms of killing and death. The tragedians offer yet another view: they see death as the climax of great tragedy. Identity The humanist model (see Liberal Humanist reading below) sees Hamlet as epitomizing the human condition. It takes for granted a universalism of human nature and identity which transcends time and place. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern have no fixed identities. Stoppard is exploring the 20th century notion of existentialism which is essentially concerned with the problem of self identity. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as representatives of the human condition, have no control over their fate and are the victims of arbitrary circumstances. They have no past and no future and only exist through other peoples definitions of them, and are unable to accept the lack of guidance and fashion their own future out of the here and now. Their existential position is echoed throughout the play as they continually try to find an explanation for their existence. In the same way that Hamlet functions as a metaphor for the human condition so do Rosencrantz and Guildenstern represent modern humanitys existential despair. Providence, fate, destiny The notions of free will and determinism are central to both plays. Hamlet has the free will to act but is thwarted by his belief system. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern represent the idea that our lives are predetermined because even though we do have choices in life, we do not have enough information to choose intelligently. Existentialism, religion and the meaning of life Shakespeares England was very religious. The Christian church was an active participant in all areas of social and political life. Hamlet too operates in this Christian context and all events in the play should be regarded in this light; indeed religious belief is often a instigator or inhibitor of dramatic action. The 20th century is often referred to as the century that killed God. In Western society there has been a decline in the number of Christians and of the significance of the church in everyday life. Stoppard evokes the mood of 20th century despair through his appropriation of the philosophical movement called existentialism. By dramatizing the loss of centers resulting in a despairing desire to know and to believe, Stoppard is commenting on the nature of 20th century existence. Appearance and reality, illusion and truth The player in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead says, truth is only that which is taken to be true. Its the currency of living. There may be nothing behind it, but it doesnt make any difference so long as it is honored. One acts on assumptions. Consider the concept of truth as it is dramatically realized in Hamlet. Examine how both plays use things such as imagery, symbols, clothing, the play-within-a-play device, role-playing and language to set up mirrors for reality through which to challenge our notions of illusion and truth. Appearance and reality is a dominant theme in Hamlet and Elizabethan audiences would understand that there is a truth behind the disguise. Rational reason and scientific rationalism Rational reason was the basis of Humanism and was the working philosophy of Shakespeares time. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern attempt to discover patterns and purposes in their existence by use of scientific logic. Theatre as a metaphor for life (and the nature of art) There are several examples in both plays where the boundaries between the actors and the audience are erased. Shakespeare and Stoppard employ metatheatre in order to comment on the analogy between drama and life: both construct realities. Hamlet is a theatrical play. It is about acting and, like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is full of theatrical references. Theatrical terminology and imagery abounds, characters act or attempt to act, characters are instructed and instruct others in the art of acting, there are plays within plays and the audience are reminded that it are not only watching a play but that it might be the actors in someone elses play! Both playwrights cleverly use structure and form to draw our attention to the nature of truth and reality. Stoppard himself is acting upon Shakespeares text. Form Hamlet The genre-Tragedy-Revenge Tragedy-Aristotle-Seneca-Elizabethan/Jacobean-Shakespeare Structure-stagecraft-dramatic techniques (ghost, soliloquy, play within a play)-language-imagery-setting Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead The genre, Theatre of the Absurd, modern and postmodern characteristics (pastiche, irony, parody, word games, vaudeville, burlesque, self reflexivity, absence of a frame of reference) Intertextuality (The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T S Eliot and Waiting for Godot, a play by Samuel Beckett about impotence and despair, view of life as hopeless). Prufrock and Godot are both examples of modernist texts where the romantic tragic hero is regarded as a myth. We have the anti-hero or ordinary person on centre stage cut adrift in a drama over which he or she has no control, aimless and looking for direction and speculating about the meaning of it all. Modernism is characterized by nostalgia for the certainty, faith and authority of the past. Thus there is a tone of lament, pessimism and despair. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is modernist in this sense but there are aspects of postmodernism, e.g. the philosophizing, speculating and agonizing by Hamlet over grand issues (such as meaning of life, death and religion) is treated in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead as farce through the modes of satire, irony, burlesque and parody. Stoppards use of Hamlet is in some ways a postmodern gesture. By appropriating such an iconic text as Hamlet and presenting it from the perspective of peripheral characters and then playing upon them for his own purposes, Stoppard demonstrates that the human experience cannot be fully understood by focusing on the dominant narrative. The depiction of reality as a game or spectacle, the destabilization of identity and the inability of language to offer security of meaning are further pointers to the postmodern condition of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. They are indeed bewildered innocents cast adrift in a disinterested and dispassionate universe. The questioning and dismantling of the individual authorial self conclusively marks the text as a postmodern inquiry into how meaning is constructed. Remember that the vital difference between modernism and postmodernism is that the former laments fragmentation and the latter celebrates it. So be cautious in referring to RG as a postmodern text. It is a modernist text that has some postmodernist characteristics. The intense seriousness of the modernists is diluted by the humor and parody of the postmodernists. Language Hamlet The role of language in Hamlet is to create meaning. It is the utterance of the paragon of animals. It is a sublime human achievement, and indeed Shakespeares language has been valued throughout the centuries as the pinnacle of linguistic artistry. Language in Hamlet expresses beauty, truth and reason as well as being a tool of deception and manipulation. It therefore has transcendent meaning which when analyzed will reveal truth. Traditional criticism, based as it is on Liberal Humanist values, focuses on a universal humanity which can be understood through a close analysis of language and form. In Hamlet we find Shakespeares full repertoire of language skills: verse, prose, formal, colloquial, dialogue, soliloquies, aside, puns, irony, parody, a range of imagery, etc. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Stoppards language on the other hand expresses the ambiguous nature of truth. There is no underlying fixed meaning in words. The lack of control over their lives is mirrored in the fragmentation of Rosencrantz and Guildensterns language and their persistent use of question. The language games that Rosencrantz and Guildensterns engage in owes an intertextual debt to the influential 20th century philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein. Stoppard has appropriated one of Wittgensteins theories of language which essentially states that language cannot express a universal truth. Language resembles moves in a game and outside of the game has no meaning whatsoever. This notion of language having no transcendent value is another point of difference between the two plays. Stoppard also reveals his range of verbal artistry. His play is rich in the playful use of clichÃÆ'Â ©, black humour, irony, puns, burlesque, cultural reference, etc. His use of colloquial and clichÃÆ'Â ©d language to state humankinds existential dilemma serves to undermine the value traditionally attached to Shakespeares elevated poetry. The numinous authority of Shakespeares language is thus deflated. Notwithstanding all this, we should never lose sight of the fact that Stoppard is a playwright and his intention is to entertain us. Stoppards style, especially his humor, wit and comedic timing, is the means by which the bleakness of Rosencrantz and Guildensterns (and by analogy our own) predicament is made palatable through the medium of drama. Readings The audience response to both texts is determined by values, culture and context. Remember, our course this semester has focused on a study of the language of texts, consideration of purposes and audiences, and analysis of the content, values and attitudes conveyed through a range of readings. With that in mind, you need to understand the following critical approaches and acquaint yourselves with the theoretical principles underpinning each of the approaches. * Traditional Criticism which is based upon a Liberal Humanist approach. * Modern Criticism which is based upon a Post-structuralist and New Historicist approach. The essential difference between the two approaches is that the first tends to focus on character and the universality of the human condition and the latter emphasizes the influence of context and the application of theory to the process of reading.

Francis Ford Coppola :: essays research papers

Following careful thought on which director to study, I chose Francis Ford Coppola. Although he has directed more films than I have had the opportunity to experience, I have viewed enough to understand his progression and style of his work. Over almost forty years of work, Coppola has directed about twenty-five films, produced near forty-five, composed two, and acted in eight. He is known predominantly for Apocalypse Now (1979) and The Godfather I (1972), II (1974), and III (1990). However, he has worked in other genres, such as Horror/Romance, Musical, and even Comedy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the few of his numerous films that I have seen, Coppola appears to use much of the same aesthetic techniques. Most of his works’ mise-en-scene, with some exceptions, seems to be very basic. When he is filming, Francis Ford Coppola does not put too many unnecessary items into the scene. When using a Wide-angle lens, the frames are very open and spacious. This allows the viewer to focus on what is happening, rather than distract their attention. This technique can also prove useful. For example, if he wanted to make a character seem alone, abandoned, and insignificant, this type of shot would work well. Opposite a number of his films, in Apocalypse Now, it was important to some of the frames full. However, they still were not completed with excess objects, instead they were lavishly filled with the natural, lush greens of the Philippines. Francis Ford Coppola also uses dissolves in his works. In The Cotton Club (1984), this technique was used a couple of t imes, when both dancing and singing was being performed. His editing style proved continuous. It was neither choppy, nor disruptive to the viewer, which allowed for a more pleasant experience.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Francis Ford Coppola uses sound in a rather conventional way, but at times adds a touch of his own creative style. The character that the audience is meant to empathize with may have their own particular motif, displayed through music. In The Conversation (1973), whenever Harry Caul, played by Gene Hackman, was intensely thinking about something, the same piano music would play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His direction of the actors was executed extremely well. He knew exactly what he wanted from them, and did not give up until it was as he had expected. Some of his setbacks in Apocalypse Now support this opinion. He wanted every part to be performed perfectly.

Monday, August 19, 2019

John Updike :: essays papers

John Updike Men and women have depended on each other forever. The unique bond between the male and female is often discussed through literature. John Updike examines male freedom as a myth. Through his writing, John Updike shows a man’s need of women. In the novel â€Å"Marry Me† by John Updike an ordinary suburban love affair is illustrated. Jerry is a man, engulfed by self-hatred, as well as raging anger. Sally, his mistress, is a depressed and confused woman lacking self-confidence. Jerry is in a marriage with Ruth, but it is by name only. The true elements of love, passion and pure sexual appetite are only exhibited through the love affair Jerry is having with Sally. Men are the focus of John Updike’s literature. Using male characters allows Updike to open up a feminized world. The men in Updike’s novels are victims of forces, which only the reader understands, but the character does not. Women are usually the only masculine pursuit in John Updike’s novels that offer the promise of relief. Jerry lives in a typical Connecticut suburb. His home lacks the usual male obsession of both work and sports. Jerry’s only urge for advancement was for money purposes. Unlike the traditional love triangle, which leaves two men fighting for one woman, Updike puts Ruth and Sally in competition for one man. John Updike provides the character assessment of Jerry to be one of a man with boyish hope for pure love with the â€Å"perfect† woman and his underlying wants and needs to love, as well as his helplessness to understand his own complicated life. In numerous pieces of John Updike’s literature when the male character finds the woman of their dreams, he will eventually begin to hate her. Jerry conquers Sally and overpowers her concerns for her small children, her marriage, as well as her devotion to family and her financial security. However, he is extremely unwilling to change, but in the same way unable to remain the same man. He knows what he desires in a woman. Jerry wants a warm woman, yet he stays with a cold woman. Ruth (Jerry’s wife) keeps both his anger and contempt alive, but he still stays with her. He looks in turn to his mistress Sally to give him strength and encouragement. However, by sally giving Jerry the support he will truly craves, she allows him to become frustrated and angry at her for threatening to demolish the hatred, which binds him to Ruth forever.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Anti-Free Speech Movement on Americas College Campuses

The Anti-Free Speech Movement on America's College Campuses The nation's leftists, whether in academia or the news media tout themselves as advocates of free speech. Back in 1964, it was Mario Savio a campus leftist who led the Free Speech Movement at the Berkeley campus of the University of California, a movement that without question played a vital role in placing American universities center stage in the flow of political ideas no matter how controversial, unpatriotic and vulgar. From the Nazis to the Stalinists leftists have always supported free speech rights, at least initially. Why? Because speech is important for the realization of leftist goals of command and control. People must be propagandized, proselytized and convinced. However, once the leftists are in power, as they are in most universities, free speech becomes a liability and must be suppressed. This is increasingly the case on college campuses and even finds its way into the work place. West Virginia University's student handbook reads in part: "Individuals or organizations may utilize designated free speech areas on a first-come, first-served basis without making reservations." Adding, ". . .the two designated areas for free speech and assembly will be the amphitheater area of the Mountainlair plaza and the concrete stage area in front of the Mountainlair and adjacent to the WVU Bookstore." In other words, 99 percent of West Virginia's campus was made into a censorship zone. This Nazi-Stalinist-like policy did not last long. The Philadelphia-based Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) began a campaign of public exposure and the Charlottesville, Virginia-based Rutherford Institute brought suit. This persuaded West Virginia University... ...nese, Jewish, African or Arab and hold Western values. It's no accident that western values of reason and individual rights have produced unprecedented health, life expectancy, wealth and comfort for the ordinary person. There's an indisputable positive relationship between liberty and standards of living. Western values are by no means secure. They are under ruthless attack by the academic elite on college campuses across America. These people want to replace personal liberty with government control; they want to replace equality with entitlement; they want to halt progress in the name of protecting the environment. As such they pose a much greater threat to our way of life than any terrorist or rogue nation. Multiculturalism and diversity are a cancer on our society and ironically, with our tax dollars and charitable donations to universities, we're feeding it.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Fatty Acid and Triple Bonds

1. The â€Å"building blocks† of polysaccharides are _______, and the blocks are covalently linked together by _______. A. | glycerol and fatty acids; glycosidic linkages| B. | amino acids; triple bonds| C. | monosaccharides; glycosidic linkages| D. | disaccharides; triple bonds| E. | oligosaccharides; glycosidic linkages| Answer choice C Which of the following statements about starch is false? A. | Starch may be partially branched. | B. | Starch is a polymer of glucose. | C. | Starch is formed by the condensation of monomers. | D. The properties of starch are very similar to those of cellulose. | E. | Starch may be digested by people. | Answer choice E Which of the following characteristics distinguishes carbohydrates from other macromolecule types? A. | Carbohydrates are constructed of monomers that always have a ring structure. | B. | Carbohydrates never contain nitrogen. | C. | Carbohydrates consist of a carbon bonded to hydrogen and a hydroxyl group. | D. | Carbohydrates contain glycerol. | E. | None of the above| Answer choice A 1. A five-carbon sugar is known as a A. glutamine. | B. | glucose. | C. | hexose. | D. | pentose. | E. | None of the above| Answer choice D Oils and fats A. | form membranes. | B. | are triglycerides. | C. | all contain the same fatty acids. | D. | are good for you in large amounts. | E. | have glycosidic linkages. | Answer choice B Oils melt at a lower temperature than fats because A. | oils and fats are not the same type of macromolecule. | B. | fats contain more saturated fatty acids than oils. | C. | fats contain are unsaturated fatty acids than oils. | D. | oils are made by plants. | E. fats are common in animals. | Answer Choice C Fatty acids are A. | carboxylic acids with long hydrocarbon tails. | B. | linked to glycerol in fats by hydrogen bonds. | C. | always saturated. | D. | large polymers of monosaccharides. | E. | water soluble. | Answer choice A A phospholipid differs from a triglyceride in that phospholipids A. | are amphipathic. | B. | are not derivatives of glycerol. | C. | do not have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts. | D. | are used to store energy for the cell. | E. | do not contain fatty acids. | Answer choice B

Friday, August 16, 2019

Blue Ocean Strategy Paper Essay

The Blue Ocean Strategy focuses on the three industries that closely touch people’s lives. Areas they looked at were Autos, Computers and Movie and what companies within those fields are doing to managing sustainable profit and growth through the test of time. The creation of a blue ocean strategy places its focus on strategic moves to place their brand in position long past its rise to fame. Rather than focusing on creating a company and battling your competitor’s blue ocean strategy gears to forecasting innovations and products to make oceans of uncontested market space. (W. Kim, 2004) A product strategy that is much a product of managerial action, rather than the creation or invention of new market space but the development and evolution of the products rather than the company. Primary Strategy & Importance The blue ocean strategy takes a look at the host of companies in the thirty plus industries and the key players within them. The process of analyzing and studying the leading and successful players and the unsuccessful and failing competition. Looking for distinct and common differences between the groups, as well as the commonalities to discover the common factors that lead to the successful growth of one and failings of the other. The consistent variable common pattern that shows focusing on competition does not provide for long term successful companies. The common practice is the within the market place the competition style strategy has little advantages to it. (W. Kim, 2004) The irrelevant old school theory that out doing your competitors was not the road to take that leads to profit and success. Placing the value in innovation and creation will lend itself to a new demand and achieve a value that has a largely dominate market with high pay  offs and leave an ocean that separ ates you from the completion. The creation and break out of strategic pricing and targeting the strategy of new demands and thinking of new ideas that competitors are not offering with strategic pricing and low cost you can create a new market that is far beyond the industry and competitors you seek to outdo. Marketing from the point of view of the customer or consumer rather than what planning and research will outdo your competition shows no long term successful models, and the continual innovation and meeting the visionary demands of a new market will leave you as the sole leader of a this variation of new product. Similar Strategic Move Blue ocean strategy shows the critical importance of focusing your strategy not on competition or trying to reinvent the wheel, but innovation and creation of demand that in 20 years will be the trend the need and meet the customer needs that competition (established or not) have failed to see. Important factors of use of the company talent and resources such as cost and general broad customer generic products will satisfy the moment but mostly established players succeed and ride the roller coaster of size and market share. The best example that uses the blue ocean strategy is the Fitness industry and the success of Health Clubs. The gym and fitness industry is a mostly new industry in America and since the 1970’s/1980’s has had more than its fair share of failures as the innovations and offerings mixed with demand were not there. The importance of health and taking care of yourself as well as the eternal trend of looking good was a trend that was gaining strength and today has become a way of life (or you will have no life you will be dead). Gold’s gym which is credited for taking the fitness gym to the level of meeting a way of life in America that has now become a way of life. Insurance companies, doctors, social circles, advertisements, daily activities and stamina, and the demand of your own mother to exercise stay in shape, be healthy is a must. Your insurance companies, your employer, social circles even give discounts, benefits and incentives for those who enroll in gyms and health clubs. Today Gold’s gym has survived the revolving door of new gym clubs that come on the market and leave. Various fitness trends have made things such as cycling, weight lifting, yoga, kick boxing to launch sub-specialty industries who match the services  and demand for health and fitness in huge industry. The estimated revenue of health clubs in the US being $25 Billion dollars a year, and an estimated database of over 48 Million members in America (1/8 of the total US Population) the industry started just thirty to f orty years ago is huge. (, 2013) Innovative ways of bring people in to use their facilities and offering of different amenities and services has been the key to what companies will stand the test of time and which will fold. Trying to out price the customers has led to the closure of many successful gyms (in their time) however, not using innovation that would separate them from the competition in terms of staying a head of the curve for demand and trends lead to their closure. Companies that have taken risk such as LA Fitness and 24 Hour Fitness may very well be huge money makers and leaders in the market but take on many elements of those that focused on coverage and competition. Their size may make it difficult for creative new products and services as they have hundreds of clubs in several countries that employ thousands of people that need to be trained and adjusted. Strategy today continues to lend to the success and meet demands and needs of the industry customers want such as multiple locations, low cost, and amenities. Red Ocean Version Pro & Con An alternative red ocean move for the health club industry is Belly’s Total Fitness. A onetime industry leader and attributed for making the health club business a chain group in the US is now all but dissolved and absorbed by larger and constantly redeveloping competitors such as LA Fitness and 24 Hour Fitness. The signature and staple business model may have been both the success and failure of the business. Offering multiple locations within the same network and multi-amenity locations that put them as an up and coming trend that cast a shadow of industry leader Gold’s Gym. The growing health clubs such as LA Fitness, and 24 Hour Fitness observed the success of Belly’s and began to open up locations with similar features, but at lower cost to members and offering the latest and greatest in programs, equipment and services. The blue ocean strategy that LA Fitness and 24 Hour fitness use of reading the trends and demands of members and following the strong national focus of fitness and health has allowed them to consume the once leading and fellow competitors growing their network and member base to  levels never expected. With the industry being so new it’s hard to see if places such as LA Fitness and 24 Hour fitness will last the test of time is a question only time can answer. What I do know is that if they are executing an effective strategy of innovation versus the research and development and focusing on and competitor intelligence will show no advantage for their market share and long term profits. Conclusion The fundamentals of blue ocean strategy rest solely in the creation of value seen by the customer and lower cost while simultaneously differentiating your brand, product or service within industry and rejecting old world style tunnel-vision focus strategy of your competitors. By delivering these important features of blue ocean strategy you create a sustained powerful impact on a distinct market that benefits what would have been your competition and creates blue oceans of new opportunity that spin off into a new existing market that you have all to yourself. References Perreault, W. D. (2011). Basic Marketing: A marketing strategy planning approach (19th ed). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. (2013). U.S. Health Club Industry . New York: Ipsos Media, Simmons National Consumer Studies and Consumer Insights from Scarborough Research. W. Kim, R. M. (2004). Blue Ocean Strategy. Harvard Business Review, 10(86), 76-84.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Mearl Oil Company Case

Mearl oil company case review The case is about a manager environmental support system of Mearl Oil Company named Leslie Milne which noticed that there are serious potential environmental and health hazard problems in areas which industrial facilities were discharging wastewater into open ditches. According to this discovery, company made a memorandum of wastewater discharge, environment and health standard to all Mearl subsidiaries which were then called by Environmental Impact Targets (EITs).The EITs provide very detailed and specific manufacturing standards down to the process and controls that facility had to apply to its operation related to health and environment. Then the protest came from MearlCan, Mearl Canada subsidiaries. Maya Stevenson, Mearl Canada senior environmental manager said that EITs just added a level unnecessary bureaucracy with little positive improvement to MearlCan performance. She stated that in developing country like Canada, the local regulation is alread y high so then EITs would be redundant and often be ignored in reality.The objection of EITs implementation by MearlCan is also because the swelling of expenses which will reached $ 2 million will occur as a result of Secondary treatment plant for sanitary waste system that required by EITs. Based on the above reasons, Maya Stevenson was going to request deviation from the EITs requirements that could be covered under MearlCan Memoranda and also consideration of possibility EITs equalization with MearlCan Memoranda which is regulation that already applied in Canada.In this case, there are conflict between Milne and Stevenson. Milne embraced absolutism understanding in EITs implementation which that policy needs to be implemented without exception in all Mearl subsidiaries. While Stevenson embrace relativism and teleological understanding that related to local custom, belief, necessities and consideration to the outcome and result of EITs implementation impacts in MearlCan. And also and ethical problem in this case is â€Å"Would it be ethical, when ompany good willingness of environmental enforcement by policies initiation compromised by the interest of financial issues and local situations? † The intention of EITs requirements compromise came from MearlCan. MearlCan see that EITs implementation will costly, and unnecessary due to existed standard which already high. In my point of view, we can take utilitarian action to address different perception among Milne and Stevenson.Both perceptions have logical different perspective that needs to be accommodated. The compromise of EITs implementation to be applicable and suitable by local situation is still acceptable, as long as not reducing standard level and deviate the initial goal of EITs as the realization of Mearl’s company environmental awareness. The principle of environmental enforcement should be placed at the top and should not be compromised by other thing such as money. Mearl Oil Company Case Mearl oil company case review The case is about a manager environmental support system of Mearl Oil Company named Leslie Milne which noticed that there are serious potential environmental and health hazard problems in areas which industrial facilities were discharging wastewater into open ditches. According to this discovery, company made a memorandum of wastewater discharge, environment and health standard to all Mearl subsidiaries which were then called by Environmental Impact Targets (EITs).The EITs provide very detailed and specific manufacturing standards down to the process and controls that facility had to apply to its operation related to health and environment. Then the protest came from MearlCan, Mearl Canada subsidiaries. Maya Stevenson, Mearl Canada senior environmental manager said that EITs just added a level unnecessary bureaucracy with little positive improvement to MearlCan performance. She stated that in developing country like Canada, the local regulation is alread y high so then EITs would be redundant and often be ignored in reality.The objection of EITs implementation by MearlCan is also because the swelling of expenses which will reached $ 2 million will occur as a result of Secondary treatment plant for sanitary waste system that required by EITs. Based on the above reasons, Maya Stevenson was going to request deviation from the EITs requirements that could be covered under MearlCan Memoranda and also consideration of possibility EITs equalization with MearlCan Memoranda which is regulation that already applied in Canada.In this case, there are conflict between Milne and Stevenson. Milne embraced absolutism understanding in EITs implementation which that policy needs to be implemented without exception in all Mearl subsidiaries. While Stevenson embrace relativism and teleological understanding that related to local custom, belief, necessities and consideration to the outcome and result of EITs implementation impacts in MearlCan. And also and ethical problem in this case is â€Å"Would it be ethical, when ompany good willingness of environmental enforcement by policies initiation compromised by the interest of financial issues and local situations? † The intention of EITs requirements compromise came from MearlCan. MearlCan see that EITs implementation will costly, and unnecessary due to existed standard which already high. In my point of view, we can take utilitarian action to address different perception among Milne and Stevenson.Both perceptions have logical different perspective that needs to be accommodated. The compromise of EITs implementation to be applicable and suitable by local situation is still acceptable, as long as not reducing standard level and deviate the initial goal of EITs as the realization of Mearl’s company environmental awareness. The principle of environmental enforcement should be placed at the top and should not be compromised by other thing such as money.

David Fletcher Case Essay

Jenkins, Fletcher Partners (JFP) has the potential to thrive and succeed in the financial service industry with stimulated, productive, and satisfied employees. However, there are small and large issues to be addressed in order to carry that in action. In this specific case analysis, we analyze the issues hindering JFP from further development, and suggest respective and appropriate suggestions to resolve those problems. First, a thorough evaluation of JFP shed light on a number of issues: The inconsistency with JFP’s differentiated and key organizational structure: wide, flat, informal structure for quick decisions. Struggles for autonomy within the company and the pending decision to hire a new research analyst. Anti-cohesiveness and lack of appropriate human resource management. Low team productivity and insufficient and inaccurate incentives within the work teams Although these issues present obstacles for further growth and potential of the firm, JFP is able to resolve th ese issues and consequently differentiate itself from its competitors in the industry with the following suggested resolutions: Further emphasize the informal and quick information sharing in between all the employees. Convince Stephanie to remain with the firm with a larger responsibility to enhance the structure under the assumption that her requirements are met. Hire Robinson based on her qualifications and acceptance by current JFP employees, and develop further evaluation of Fiske’s. Maintain a balance of young and senior analysts to achieve a productive and conducive learning environment. Implement regular and functional meetings at which every employee has an input. Develop performance management instead of performance reviews. Maintain the organizational restructures through work team productivity and implementation of appropriate incentivizing system. With these critical resolutions, JFP will become the unique, successful, and differentiated financial service firm that the founders originally dreamed of. One of the points of differentiation that JFP has from other financial service firms on Wall Street is its unique structure of small, flat, and wide for effective and efficient communication and decision making process. But Fletcher made a mistake to contradict that very principle of JFP. By not communicating with Stephanie and other salient members of the firm with regard to hiring process of Doyle, David Fletcher put more workload on himself, slowed the  decision making process, and disregarded other employees’ opinions and thoughts on Doyle, and practically created the silo effect. Fletcher explains, â€Å"I figured that Stephanie would do the health care and environmental stocks as well as the retail stocks while Brian would focus on his specialty, high-tech†, as he reveals his own â€Å"thought process† without the actual confirmation from Stephanie. Furthermore, Fletcher admits, â€Å"hiring Brian wasn’t coming from her pocket, it was coming from mine†, and demonstrates the contradiction to shared ideas and smooth flow of information he so desperately pursued himself. The employees at JFP are meant to communicate and share information with each other fluidly without any excluded members. However, Fletcher contradicted the ideal environment he desired to create by not communicating with Stephanie throughout the hiring process of Brian Doyle and thus deteriorated the structure he wanted. Although a desire for autonomy and greater success are contributing factors in Stephanie wanting to leave the firm, this significant incident has l ed to her feeling alienated and secluded from Fletcher and the work they used to do together. Another issue that Fletcher faces, looking forward, is whether or not to hire Fiske and/or Robinson. As previously mentioned, Fletcher makes the hiring process ineffective and inconsistent. When hiring Kindred, Fletcher learned from the conflict that had already risen between Doyle and Whitney, and makes sure to receive feedback from Whitney and other employees before moving forward with Kindred. Fletcher also maintains an incredibly packed schedule and the hiring process is overly crucial and overwhelming for him to do by himself. Moreover, because of his overwhelming schedule, Fletcher cannot possibly to train all the new hires on how evaluate stocks and consider the investment strategy. On a greater scale, throughout JFP there is an extreme lack of group cohesiveness and issues with conflict management. Members of the company compete to achieve the identical goal to become portfolio managers. Members of JFP have a power struggle to achieve their own individual goals; consequently, pay compensation directly associates with individual accomplishments. The very structure of Wall Street that Lodge dislikes includes silos with high departmentalization, and members with their own agendas. JFP requires a group cohesion for an effective decision making, yet the firm rewards for self-fulfilling achievements. Therefore, presented is a â€Å"Rewarding A while hoping for B†Ã‚  issue. Also, a clear relationship conflict versus task conflict is evident. There are personal and social disagreements that hinder employees to expend effort and resource on discussing vital company tasks and objectives. There are also many interpersonal and organizational conflicts that arise through peripheral transactions within JFP. One simple example includes Stephanie’s concern about where her desk is located. And yet, there are no company procedures to address and resolve these conflicts in a systematic way. Another example is lack of employees’ input about new hires. Unrest and social disturbances are within an organization present obstacles for employees to work efficiently and to be creative which affects their performance and in turn JFP’s success. The final issue to be address is JFP’s lack of effectiveness in work teams and motivation on both the individual and group le vels. More attention can increase productivity and motivation according to the Hawthorne Effect. Fletcher’s decreased attention toward Stephanie, demonstrated in Doyle’s hiring process, reduces her motivation and attachment to the firm and develops negative feelings about Doyle. Because Doyle and Stephanie have relationship conflicts, they cannot properly address task, including feedbacks for investment choices, which leads to decreased productivity and creativity within the firm. When Stephanie finds personal fulfillment and interest in her work, intrinsic motivation, Doyle’s hiring process situation diminishes it significantly. Because she is less secure and satisfied, Whitney is less motivated, which falls in line with Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory: hygiene factors, including security and working conditions, â€Å"operate primarily as de-motivators if they are insufficient† (175). Stephanie also has extrinsic motivation—Fletcher’s attention, praise, and guidance—which increases her intrinsic motivation as well as job satisfaction and a sense of purpose at JFP. Whitney’s lower job satisfaction results in a poor job performance and her attachment to JFP. In order to better achieve the wide, flat structu re for efficient and effective decision making, Fletcher should attempt to keep Stephanie Whitney with the firm because she has already gained expertise within the industry, and training and molding another new employee in place of Whitney bears immense opportunity cost for the culture and productivity of the firm. Additionally, Whitney has consistently performed at a high level, and the success she’s attained transitioning from  an administrative assistant to a portfolio manager can be leveraged as an effective tool to inspire others to work. Since Whitney has expressed a desire to leave, Fletcher needs to intrinsically and extrinsically motivate her to. In order to keep Stephanie motivated at JFP, Fletcher should have Stephanie with a team of her to delve into an industry that she is curious and enthusiastic about, so long as that industry has an investment potential for the firm. Since monetary incentives can be sufficiently satisfied with firms other than JFP, Stephanie needs to have the extrinsic motivator of autonomy. This reward for staying would be unprecedented in a firm where most decisions come down to David, and would be an indication that she is incredibly valued and essential to the organization. Permitting Stephanie to recruit her own team will also serve to widen the st ructure of the firm and delegate more tasks. Fletcher also needs to highlight the tie that they have shared in the past, apologize for not being transparent with her completely, and express respect towards her career development. Despite the possibility that Whitney will decide to pursue other opportunities, Fletcher needs to convince her to stay because of her credibility and the value lost from the firm’s perspective. There is an argument to be made that Whitney was at the root of personal issues in the past, but Whitney’s conflict was task-oriented, not personal. Her disagreement with many of Doyle’s investment strategies causes problems when Fletcher failed to address her concerns. In the end, Whitney ends up being right about Doyle, and it is not to be understated that she gets along very well with everyone else in the organization. Building a strong culture is a key for JFP in hiring new employees. Whitney, who already gets along with Robinson, can help to develop the environment in which portfolio managers work creatively and get along on a personal level as well. By treating Whitney as more of a thought partner than protege, Fletcher should keep Whitney for the benefit of JFP. As Kindred’s case reflect, new hires are more effective in their roles in hiring them. Therefore, the hiring process should be structured in a way that all existing employees get to meet the candidate before the decision is made. Organization’s small scale will allow such procedure that will result in more effective hiring process. More attention should also be paid to the current employees, not only to ensure new employees’ transition, but also to deal with the hiring process more  effectively. Whitney’s insistence upon leaving can be circumvented entirely had Fletcher heeded her concerns and addressed the issue earlier. JFP should also aim to balance between experienced and new hires, and encourage the experienced portfolio managers to act as mentors. Fletcher cannot possibly serve as a mentor for everyone; but forging mentor/mentee roles amongst the portfolio managers will lead to more cohesiveness in the organization, experienced employees leading by example and contribute to the flat structure of the organization with reduced risk of employees’ uneasiness. Fletcher has already taken a step in the right direction by seeking the approval of other employees for hiring Robinson, but needs to continue with evaluating Fiske. Moreover, JFP should feel confident about hiring Robinson because the other employees think highly of her and Robinson offers a unique background and valuable expertise. Despite Fiske’s experience, his ability to collaborate with his colleagues is the critical point to evaluate in the hiring decision. And thus Fletcher must turn to the rest of JFP for advice. In terms of cohesiveness and people management, JFP should implement work teams to emphasize the outcome is greater than the sum of individual ’s effort. Also, work groups can be particularly utilized in the new research analyst candidates’ environment because their primary task is to share information. Cohesiveness can be developed by rewarding employees as groups, increasing the time that employees spend with each other, stimulating competition amongst groups, benchmarking JFP’s performance to that of a competitor firm, and by increasing the exclusivity. Furthermore, JFP requires regular meetings at which everyone is involved and present to facilitate increasing the time employees spend together and resolving conflicts within the organization. Group successes and failures can be discussed and evaluated. In order to successfully restructure JRP, performance management is essential because it is another method for conflict resolution. Performance management will also bring a continuous flow of feedback so the employee can adjust his or her performance. An increase in employee satisfaction within the workplace will follow. Additionally, the Hawthorn Study states that non-financial incentives are more effective than financial incentives; also, attention from leaders has been pr oven to be 63% effective, praise from managers 67% effective, opportunities to lead projects 62% effective. â€Å"†¦(P)eople will  feel competent if they obtain feedback that indicates progress in their work or suggests ways that can increase their competence†. (176) The delegation of autonomy within JFP can also be addressed because autonomy is easily assessed and provided to employees if management constantly evaluates employee’s performance. Lastly, Fletcher needs to address work team productivity and motivation within JFP. As an example, Stephanie demonstrates enjoyment and a sense of fulfillment in her job, and Fletcher needs to develop these motivations further. He also needs to ensure a good team dynamic. Intrinsic motivation is conducive to creativity and result in more unique, productive and creative analysts. According to â€Å"scientific management†, extrinsic motivation is strictly positive; however managers often create undesired behaviors in their employees by utilizing this incorrect statement. (181) Therefore, Fletcher has to give critical feedback and attention to his analysts to provide them with some continuing extrinsic motivation. In addition, Fletcher should foster an environment in which analysts develop enjoyment and attachment, that will contribute to intrinsic motivation as well. Hackman and Oldham’s model of job enrichment (1976) suggests different ways to increase employee motivation. For example, task identity, task significance, and feedback are a number of them. Developing task identity means to increase an analyst’s sense of meaningfulness in one’s work and growing task significance means to increase the sense of importance of their work. Additionally, ongoing feedback will also contribute positively to the analysts’ motivation. Fletcher should focus on these methods, as well as an appealing work environment and good group dynamic, to increase his analysts’ motivation. With these constructive resolutions—further consolidating the unique organizational structure, effectively recruiting new employees, critically addressing conflicts and cohesiveness within the group, and appropriately maintaining the balance of motivation—JFP is assured to thrive as a differentiated, outperforming, and attractive financial service firm.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Biography of Marcus Mosiah Garvey

Marcus Mosiah Garvey's Biography Marcus Mosiah Garvey is a person in history that brings unity and strength to the black people around the world. He traveled many countries and saw the working conditions and living conditions of blacks. He founded the United Black Improvement Association and talked about injustice against his people. He inspires and gives hope through speaking, teaching and writing. He understands his life, tells it to the black people, and uses poetry to encourage them to do so. Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. was born in Joan Bay, Jamaica, the youngest child of eleven children, Marcus Mosiah Garvey Sr, Mason, and Sarah Jane Richards, a domestic helper. Only he and his older Indiana lived to become an adult. Considering the circumstances of this time, his family is economically stable. Garvey's father has a big library, and his father likes reading Marcus. When I was young, I went to elementary school in St Annes Bay. While attending these schools, Garvey first began to ex perience racial discrimination. At the age of 14, Marcus became an apprentice of the printer. In 1903 he visited Kingston in Jamaica and soon joined trade union activities. In 1907, he took part in a failed printer strike, and this experience gave him passion to political extremism. In 1910, Garvey left Jamaica and began traveling through Central America. He first came in Costa Rica, where his mother 's uncle was. Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. was born in Santa Ana Bay, Jamaica on August 17, 1887. He is the manufacturer Marcus Mosiah Garvey Sr and the eleven brothers Sarah Jane Richards, a housewife born in a farmhouse. . Only Marcus and his older sister Indiana mature. Garvey attended an elementary school in St Annes Bay and moved to Kingston, the capital of the country as a printer at the age of 14. Shortly thereafter he participated in public events and helped design Jamaica 's first union, Printers Union. Then he joined the printer strike, and the workers refused to do any work until they satisfied their request. This experience had a major impact on Garvey's political passion and news enthusiasm. Marcus Mosiah Garvey is a powerful, revolutionary and ethnic leader who has influenced many people in his era and continues to influence through reggae music. Many courses and ideals of Marcus Garvey are finding voices in the lyrics of past and present conscious reggae musicians. From internationally renowned musicians such as Bob Marley and Burning Spear to music and texts of The Rastafari Elders, reggae musicians were inspired by Marcus Garvey. For many reggae musicians, their work is not only music but also a tool to teach the public. Peter Tosh talked to the audience why he was there in a California concert. Do not think that I am here for entertainment, I and I are ultra-fast thunder, earthquake, and lightning in these destruction and unfair places. 2 The musicians are Garvey and Rasta It is a prophet of Biography of Marcus Mosiah Garvey Marcus Mosiah Garvey's Biography Marcus Mosiah Garvey is a person in history that brings unity and strength to the black people around the world. He traveled many countries and saw the working conditions and living conditions of blacks. He founded the United Black Improvement Association and talked about injustice against his people. He inspires and gives hope through speaking, teaching and writing. He understands his life, tells it to the black people, and uses poetry to encourage them to do so. Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. was born in Joan Bay, Jamaica, the youngest child of eleven children, Marcus Mosiah Garvey Sr, Mason, and Sarah Jane Richards, a domestic helper. Only he and his older Indiana lived to become an adult. Considering the circumstances of this time, his family is economically stable. Garvey's father has a big library, and his father likes reading Marcus. When I was young, I went to elementary school in St Annes Bay. While attending these schools, Garvey first began to ex perience racial discrimination. At the age of 14, Marcus became an apprentice of the printer. In 1903 he visited Kingston in Jamaica and soon joined trade union activities. In 1907, he took part in a failed printer strike, and this experience gave him passion to political extremism. In 1910, Garvey left Jamaica and began traveling through Central America. He first came in Costa Rica, where his mother 's uncle was. Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. was born in Santa Ana Bay, Jamaica on August 17, 1887. He is the manufacturer Marcus Mosiah Garvey Sr and the eleven brothers Sarah Jane Richards, a housewife born in a farmhouse. . Only Marcus and his older sister Indiana mature. Garvey attended an elementary school in St Annes Bay and moved to Kingston, the capital of the country as a printer at the age of 14. Shortly thereafter he participated in public events and helped design Jamaica 's first union, Printers Union. Then he joined the printer strike, and the workers refused to do any work until they satisfied their request. This experience had a major impact on Garvey's political passion and news enthusiasm. Marcus Mosiah Garvey is a powerful, revolutionary and ethnic leader who has influenced many people in his era and continues to influence through reggae music. Many courses and ideals of Marcus Garvey are finding voices in the lyrics of past and present conscious reggae musicians. From internationally renowned musicians such as Bob Marley and Burning Spear to music and texts of The Rastafari Elders, reggae musicians were inspired by Marcus Garvey. For many reggae musicians, their work is not only music but also a tool to teach the public. Peter Tosh talked to the audience why he was there in a California concert. Do not think that I am here for entertainment, I and I are ultra-fast thunder, earthquake, and lightning in these destruction and unfair places. 2 The musicians are Garvey and Rasta It is a prophet of