Thursday, October 31, 2019


BORDER SECURITY ISSUES RESEARCH PROJECT # 4 - Essay Example Te terrorists view this as the only easiest route to gaining easy entry into the United States for their terrorist missions. There are four main reasons for the immigration of terrorist groups into Mexico. One key reason of relocation of terrorist groups’ members to Mexico is because of the inability of the security authorities in Mexico to secure some parts of the country and its borders. Another key reason for settlement of terrorist groups in Mexico is because of the country’s proximity to the United States. Thus, it is easy for the terrorist groups to send their members on terrorist missions in the United States. The existence of drugs and weapons smuggling cartels along the Amexica border is another reason for settlement of terrorist groups in Mexico (White, 2013). This is because terrorist groups can use these cartels to smuggle deadly weapons in the United States. Lastly, the porous border of the United States and Mexico has attracted terrorist organizations to Mexico as this gives them the opportunity to sneak in and out of the United States and research on their targets. America had to establish a department for homeland security after the attacks that took place in 2011. It was one of the best ways that the government wanted to protect the citizens from attacks by terror groups. From the past political scenes on news, it is evident that the homeland department has worked with many other countries such as Mexico. As a result, most security agencies in Mexico are now vigilant when it comes to preventing terrorist activities. They conduct frequent border patrols on either sides of the border to arrest unlawful immigrants. The United States also uses drones to monitor the Amexica porous border. Mexican authorities have countered interaction between terrorists and smuggling cartels by arresting leaders of the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Paper on TV show Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paper on TV show - Essay Example The listed shows are a few of the many comedy series that are aired, however, this essay will be taking into consideration how each of these shows demonstrate the subversive potential of comedy which is to be able to portray serious issues or critique on an established norm or value of society, in a way that depicts both humor and elicits a response from the audience in the sense that they are made to think about the issue or debate. â€Å"†¦the funniest, noblest comedy has always been rooted in hostility to oppression†¦.comics around the world use their art to combat political and social tyranny in everyday life† (Jenkins, Ronald S. 1994) â€Å"Girls† is an adult comedy show aired first on April 2012, since then it has released two more seasons to keep the flare that rose from the first season’s release. Although it is a comedy drama show, â€Å"Girls† like almost every other comedy show, has the tendency to portray a subversive side of comedy, in fact, this characteristic of comedies is shown in the very first episode of the first season, the pilot episode. In this episode, the protagonist, namely Hannah, a 24-year old aspiring writer who lives in New York, is refused financial assistance from her parents. There is an argument while the family is having dinner and Hannah is finally refused any money from her parents for her future endeavors. This in itself is a somewhat common issue found in households; it portrays modern day reality where many households with parental occupants that are not financially secure, or do not have high paying jobs, are unable to support their children sufficiently so that they may pursue careers that they wish to, in this case, Hannah who is aspiring to be a writer is obviously not experienced or skilled enough to be able to support herself, as is the case with every individual beginning a career. Her parents refusal to fulfill her financial requirements in a comical way, suggests that Hannah belonged to that kind of financially insufficient household we find in society today. The pilot episode goes on to take up a an even more subversive position by showing that Hannah loses her already unpaid job or internship at a local publishing house, after which eventually she releases her post traumatic stress with her boyfriend, Adam, with whom she frequently sleeps. This part of the episode describes how young adults get frustrated after facing a sequence or chains of failure and upsetting news and eventually end up performing acts that go against the norms and values of society. â€Å"30 Rock† is another great comedy hit that was released in 2006 and has since then released several more follow up season for the fans. This show too has numerous instances where a potentially significant issue or topic is discussed under the pretext of laughter. In episode 12 of the first season of â€Å"30 Rock†, there is such an instance. The episode kicks off with Jack inviting L iz to come with him to a special event, the birthday of Gerhardt Hapsburg. Jack’s ex-wife, Bianca, spots the duo and goes over and Jack decides to pretend that Liz is his girlfriend, encouraging Liz to play along. Jack then goes on to brag about so many women that he has been involved with after Bianca broke up with him. However, Bianca does not seem to be roused by Jack’s long list of women that he has gone out with, instead she is shown to be jealous that Liz has been able to keep Jack happy all this time. This entire scene is

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Developmental psychologists

Developmental psychologists Many developmental psychologists maintain that, from a very early age, infants relate to people in a special way, and that this indicates they have a deep understanding of other people. In your view, is this position supported by research studies that have investigated infants understanding of the physical and social world? The main purpose of this essay was to assess whether the research evidence supports the statement that infants have a deep understanding of other people. Although the question related to infants in general, the main emphasis was put on the first year of life as it is believed that this is a period when the most significant changes in infants development occur (Super, 1981). Firstly, the writer attempted to define the term â€Å"deep understanding† which has been seen as crucial for this debate. Then, the focus moved to the nature of infants relationships with other people. Afterwards, the research studies were examined that have investigated infants understanding of the physical world. The aim was to check whether children have a knowledge of objects and peoples physical features, and consequently, if they are able to differentiate between them. Finally, the researches which investigated infants understanding of social world were analysed in order to check how rich infants kno wledge of other people is. The debate of whether infants have a rich knowledge has to be preceded with defining what it means to have a deep understanding. In the case of a physical world deep understanding would be an awareness of physical properties and the permanence of objects, as well as knowledge of how certain actions make an effect on the physical world (Spelke, 1991). However, the definition of the deep understanding of people perceived was more complicated. Surely the ability to recognise that people are different to objects is important as it requires a certain level of understanding. Equally important is also the knowledge of what is going on in other peoples minds and the ability to appreciate that ‘people have emotions, intentions, and perspectives (Striano Rochat, 2000:254). Nevertheless, it has been believed that deep understanding must also involve something additional. This extra quality has been acknowledged by Tomasello et al. (2005:676), who argued that: ‘(†¦) deep understanding of other people requires not only an understanding of goals, intentions and perceptions of other persons, but also in addition a motivation to share these things in interaction with others. The psychologists who perceive children as having a rich knowledge share the belief that infants relate to people in a special way and engage with them differently than with objects. They argue that infants are more likely to direct their intentional behaviours towards people rather than objects because they anticipate that people will understand their intentions and respond to their actions. Trevarthen (ED841, Unit 3) explained this phenomenon by arguing that infants have an inborn willingness to participate in social relationships with other people. As Suzanne Zeedyk stated, the everyday intimate in nature interaction with others creates a context in which infants understanding can develop. In her opinion, thanks to being an object of other peoples attention, children come to know themselves and others. However, the perception of infants as active social partners causes some doubts. Even though Trevarthen seems to be right stating that infants are not just marionettes which can be animated by adults, it is possible that their engagement with people may only create an illusion of spontaneity and understanding (Zeedyk, 2006). Indeed, it has been acknowledged that there is no consensus whether young infants actually differentiate between objects and people and what mechanisms underlay their behaviour. To investigate this issue it was necessary to establish what knowledge about the physical world they hold. The chosen staring point was Piagets study on objects permanence. He argued that if an object is covered by a cloth, infants younger than nine months stop reaching for it and do not attempt to lift the cloth, even though they are physically able to perform this action. On this basis, Piaget argued that for infants younger than nine months, objects exist only while it is perceived or acted upon and it is out of an infants mind when it disappears (Hood Willatts, 1995). These findings are believed to be significant for a debate on childrens understanding of the social world. Contrary to earlier mentioned psychologists, Jean Piaget claimed that young infants do not distinguish between people and objects, but rather treated people as the most interesting of objects and that is why they concentrate on them more intensively. Analogously to object permanence, Piaget argued that children younger than nine months cannot have a deep understanding of other people as their do not have knowledge of peoples permanence. They rather acquire this knowledge at a later stage thanks to their cognitive development and experience (ED841, Unit 2; Baillargeon, 1995; Piaget Inhelder, 1966). Although Piagets theory appeared to be convincing, it has been acknowledged that his experiment has been criticised by other researchers who argued that infants failed this task not because they have not developed object permanence but because there are not able to perform coordinated actions. Therefore, it was difficult for them to coordinate lifting the cloth with their memory for the object (Baillargeon, 1995). To check whether infants hold an understanding of object permanence, Piagets findings have been compared with the results of investigations which did not require coordinated action. An example chosen was Baillargeons drawbridge experiment. This habituation study researched infants understanding of ‘the principle that a solid object cannot move through the space occupied by another solid object (Baillargeon, 1995:104). Baillargeon wanted to investigate whether five month old infants would be surprised by visible objects in the form of a screen rotating back and forth at 180 degrees, which moved through the space occupied by a hidden cube. The assumption was that if infants were surprised it meant that they were aware of the existence and physical properties of the hidden object. In contrast to Piagets study, this experiment indicated that very young infants may have a core understanding of object properties and therefore they should also have the knowledge of peoples permanence (Baillargeon, 1995; ED841, Unit 2). On the other hand, some of the researches stated that the habituation methodology may overestimate infants understanding. For instance, as proved by Schilling, results similar to those gained by Piaget may be obtained simply by varying the number of presentations in the drawbridge experiment. Therefore, Schilling argued that Baillargeon failed to prove that infants have a deep understanding of the physical world (ED841, Unit 2). Also, Cohen referred to the drawbridge experiment by stating that infants ‘may be responding to the apparently impossible event, not because it is impossible, but simply because it is familiar (Cohen, 2001:6). So far it seems that children, especially in the first few months of life, have rather poor knowledge of the physical world and consequently they may also have poor knowledge of other people. The radical change was believed to occur at around nine months of life. However, the research evidence presented by Woodward on six month old infants showed that they have expectations directed towards people, which they do not share with inanimate things. Therefore, he argued that infants not only see people as separate to objects, but also recognise that people have certain goals and intentions (Tomasello et al., 2005). The writer is convinced that at the end of the first year of life, infants understand people as animate beings who spontaneously produce behaviour, but there is no agreement whether they understand the mechanism underlying their behaviour or they are just simply able to predict what people would do. For instance, the research on   infants understanding of goal-directed action s, like for example those of Gregley and Csiba, showed that one year old infants perceive the successful actions as goal directed, but it ‘does not necessarily imply that they appreciate the intentions underlying those actions (Brandone Wellman, 2008: 86). It is believed that the ability to understand that other people have mental states is a part of the so-called theory of mind, which is assumed not to develop in children younger than 4 years (Bretherton et al., 1981). There was a series of research investigating the signs of development of the theory of mind in infants. For instance, Reedy (2007) observed the development of deception among infants. Her findings indicated that eight month old infants are able to deceive, even though in theory this skill does not develop until a child acquires theory of mind. Therefore, Reedy argued that because at around eight months children, for example, fake crying or pretend deafness when called by their mother, which indicates that they have a real understanding of other people. However, Reedy has been criticised for overestimating childrens abilities and misinterpreting infants behaviours. For instance, it has been argued that infants are egocentric. Consequently, children may ignore mothers calls because they are concentrated on themselves and things they are doing in that moment (Carlowe, 2008). More probable seems to be the explanation presented by Baron and Cohen, who stated that young infants are unable to understand what is going on in other peoples minds. However, they argue that at around 6-9 months, infants try to seek other peoples focus of attention by following the direction of their eye gaze. This inborn ability, called the eye direction detector, lets infants note where another person is looking. Subsequently, infants become able to distinguish between their own and other peoples reactions to an object, which is a basis for later theory of mind development. However, it is not clear whether infants perceive other persons eye movements as significant and understand that adults are directing their attention towards an object. It is possible that they just follow other peoples eye gaze without paying attention to the object itself (Meltzoff, 2004, ED841, Unit 2). As mentioned before, Tomasello stressed that understanding intentional actions and perceptions of others is not itself sufficient to talk about the deep understanding of infants. In his opinion, it requires shared intentionality which refers ‘to collaborative interactions in which participants share psychological states with one another (Tomasello Carpenter, 2007:121). His longitudinal study on chimpanzees showed that they were similar to human infants in a whole range of socio-cognitive skills, but in contrast to infants, they do not appear to have shared intentionality. Tomasello therefore stated that infants do not only follow other peoples eye gaze but try to share other peoples attention. The motivation to share attention with others emerges at around the first birthday, which supports the belief that this is the time when more advanced cognitive understanding occurs (Tomasello Carpenter, 2007). Meltzoff emphasised that information about objects and peoples shared intentions towards these objects are acquired through imitation. He argued that to imitate, children have to be able to understand the differences between themselves and others. Even though Piaget argued that infants cannot imitate others until they were 8 to 12 months of age, Meltzoffs research on infants early imitation showed that they are not only able to imitate facial expressions of adults but also recognise when adults imitate them which is a sign of deep understanding. However, the critical analysis of his research indicated that children may imitate adults but not be aware of the fact that they are copying emotional expression. Additionally, Meltzoff examined very young infants and there is a possibility that they might just be trained to imitate from birth (Meltzoff Gopnik, 1993). Summarising, it appears that infants prefer people over the objects, but there is no agreement whether it is a sign of an understanding of other peoples thoughts and intentions or rather an inborn ability to engage in social interactions. Some psychologists, like for example Piaget, argued that very young infants have only basic social abilities. Although infants behaviour cannot only be seen as a set of reflexes, psychologists claim that they have a deep understanding of other people would undoubtedly overestimate their abilities. The most appropriate explanation seems to be that infants are born with rather poor knowledge about the physical and social world; however, they have an inborn ability to interact with other people. Through the everyday interaction with others their knowledge and skills can develop, and consequently, infants understanding of the world becomes deeper.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Scarlett Letter :: The Scarlett Letter

The Scarlett Letter The story opens with Hester Prynne standing silently on the scaffold in the middle of a town square in 18th century Boston. Hester, holding her small child in her arms, is publicly on trial for adultery. The town people, especially the women, are not happy that Hester has been sentenced only to wear a scarlet letter and to stand on a public platform for a few hours of public humiliation. However, the judge has decided to be merciful to her because, over all, she has been a good citizen up to this point. Even after hours of questioning by the authorities, Hester still will not reveal the name of the man who committed adultery with her. The father of her child, Arthur Dimmesdale, a respected minister, feels horrible to see her in this situation, but stands by in the crowd and says nothing. Eventually, he even joins in asking her to reveal the father's name. In a way he hopes she will confess and relieve him of his guilt. Suddenly, Hester recognizes her husband in the crowd surrounding the scaffold. When he realizes that she is on trial for committing adultery he promises himself that he will find the father and make sure that he is also punished. Two years before her trial, Hester arrived in a Boston harbor from Amsterdam, and she is married to an icy scholar, going by the alias Chillingworth, who is much older than she is. He had sent her alone to New England with plans to follow behind much later even though they were newly married at the time. Since then, two years have gone by and he has not even written her a letter. Hester believed that he must have gone down in a shipwreck. Later, when Chillingworth is allowed into her jail cell as a physician, he pressures her to give up the father's name and she refuses to give in to him. In response, she is ordered never to tell anyone who Chillingworth really is and she promises him that she will not. The next day, she is released from the prison, and she and her baby daughter, Pearl, are moved to a small, isolated cottage in the woods just outside of town. She manages to make the money that she needs to survive by sewing clothes for the people from town. Against puritan tradition, she also sews brightly colored, extravagant looking dresses for Pearl.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Grief and Rosaldo’s Rage Essay

She had not suffered much. Her death came and went quickly. Michelle was dead, gone forever at the blink of an eye. As her husband looked over her body at the bottom of a 65 foot sheer precipice, many ideas and emotions fluttered in his mind. Renato Rosaldo describes his experience at the site of the fatal accident, overlooking the body of his lifeless wife, Michelle Rosaldo: â€Å"I felt like in a nightmare, the whole world around me expanding and contracting, visually and viscerally heaving (476).† Although at the time of the tragedy and many months after, Renato Rosaldo found himself in an almost delusional state of grief, the calamity helped Rosaldo reach a state of enlightenment with his study of the Ilongot tribe. Michelle and Renato Rosaldo had studied the Ilongot tribe in the northern part of the Philippines as anthropologists. Renato Rosaldo’s past attempts at understand the Ilongot’s reason for head hunting, â€Å"rage, born of grief,† had failed using his method of hermeneutics. The conclusions Rosaldo drew from this explanation were, at best, educated guesses. Trying to be objective to his study of the Ilongot tribe, Rosaldo could not understand the driving factor behind killing a fellow human as a way of dealing with the loss of someone close to you. What he later started to understand was that the ritual was something that could not easily and readily be described. It was not until the time of his wife’s death that he could comprehend the force of anger possible in bereavement. The force was so strong within him that drawing parallels with the ways Rosaldo’s own culture had molded him into dealing with bereavement started to overlap with the Ilongot way. This emotional force became the key in helping Rosaldo unlock the mystery of this rage via bereavement, and unfortunately, it could only come at the price of Michelle Rosaldo. Renato Rosaldo’s explanation of why the Ilongot used head hunting as a way of dealing with bereavement is compelling due to his understanding of emotional force through his own personal experience. After the loss of his brother, then four years later, the loss of his colleague, friend, and wife Michelle Rosaldo, Rosaldo experienced  bereavement and the emotional force that accompanies it first hand. Spending months grieving, Rosaldo’s insights on the topic of head hunting had changed dramatically. Shortly after his wife’s death, an excerpt from his journal concurs with the change of perception of the Ilongot people. My journal went on to reflect more broadly on death, rage, and headhunting by speaking of my ‘wish for the Ilongot solution; they are much more in touch with reality than Christians. So, I need a place to carry my anger – and can we say a solution of the imagination is better than theirs? And can we condemn them when we napalm villages? Is our rationale so much sounder than theirs (478)? Rosaldo’s experience with personal bereavement left him with a sense of what despair and rage could conjure up in the human being. Wishing for the Ilongot solution himself, Rosaldo finally realized that the Ilongot were not as different as he had originally thought. The emotional force Rosaldo had felt has the same core as the force that pushed the older tribesman into a headhunting raid. Rosaldo’s comparison of his solution of the imagination and the ritualistic headhunting had rage as the common seed. Rosaldo’s initial attempts to find what drives the older Ilongot men to headhunt using traditional ethnographic methods failed. Renato and Michelle Rosaldo played a tape of a headhunting celebration five years prior, evoking great emotion from the crowd of Ilongot because the celebrator on the tape had already been deceased and headhunting was now forbidden. â€Å"The song pulls at us, drags our hearts, it makes us think of our dead uncle†¦Leave off now, isn’t that enough? Even I, a woman, cannot stand the way it feels inside my heart†¦At the time I could only feel apprehensive and diffusely sense the force of the emotions experienced†¦(473-474).† Rosaldo’s emotional detachment from the man speaking on the tape recorder prevents him with identifying with the Ilongot tribesmen. This lack of emotional connection is understandable, as Rosaldo himself was obviously not as close to the man practicing the ceremony as his family. This understanding of the rage and sorrow that the Ilongot members had felt during the listening is a crucial element of how the dynamic between bereavement and sorrow function. Rosaldo understood that his analysis could easily be brought under fire due to the tying in of personal experiences during his ethnography of the Ilongot culture. Rosaldo concurs that there is potential for risk by saying, â€Å"Introducing myself into this account requires a certain hesitation both because of the discipline’s taboo and because of its increasingly frequent violation by essays laced with trendy amalgams of continental philosophy and autobiographical snippets (475).† The possibility for an anthropologist who brings personal experience into an analysis of a foreign culture to become too self absorbed is always possible. Rosaldo avoids this frequent ethnographic infringement by separating self righteousness from applying personal experiences for comparison in anthropology. Rosaldo claims that his and all interpretations are provisional, stating that â€Å"they are made by positioned subjects who are prepared to know certain things and not others (476),† which presents that he only began to fathom the force of what the Ilongot’s had been describing as the anger held because of bereavement. Although some would argue that the risks with mixing emotion during anthropological study are too great, total objectivity can not always provide a complete analysis. Although being objective and getting the factual aspects of rituals and cultural symbols provides great insight of a culture and its formal procedures, it does not necessarily give the ethnographer the true experience of the event; let it be bereavement or something else. The true meaning behind many events and cultural symbols that are looked at objectively are really quite open to interpretation. Who is to say that what the ethnographer interprets as being one thing, in turn, does not represent something totally different for the subject actually being studied? Although it is not true for all cases, bereavement and the emotional forces that are its byproduct can only be successfully analyzed and interpreted when the observer’s experience overlaps or parallels that of the subject’s. Rosaldo later found his own experience overlapping that of the Ilongot’s. After suffering through not only the loss of his young brother’s life, but the loss of his wife’s, Renato Rosaldo’s view of headhunting had drastically  changed. Although Rosaldo had spent fourteen years attempting to conclude the actual drive behind the Ilongot murderous ritual using current anthropological methodology, in one swift moment, he had felt the drive within himself. This emotional force had left him seeking for the Ilongot solution. Realizing that this rage within him had pieced together the ethnographic puzzle of the Ilongot headhunting, Rosaldo masterfully avoided becoming too self absorbed while giving his account of the Ilongot ritualistic beheading. Rosaldo posed the question, â€Å"Do people always in fact describe most thickly what matters most to them (470)?† After review of Rosaldo’s essay, one will most likely conclude that the answer is no. Works Cited Rosaldo, Renato. â€Å"Grief and a Headhunter’s Rage.† Literacies. Ed. Terence Brunk Suzanne Diamond Priscilla Perkins Ken Smith New York, W. W. Norton & Company, 1997. 469-487

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

To Kill A Moking Bird

Allow the speaker enough time to begin and finish his/her thoughts. (Do not be afraid of usually means thinking is occurring. ) j. Bring others into the discussion and ask others to elaborate on their responses. 2. Bring your copy of the paid questions to class. These questions must be completed before class begins. 3. Set a Personal Goal for the Seminar (Talk three times, allow others to speak, give someone praise for an insightful comment, etc. ) 4. Opening Questions a. Who is your favorite character? Why? 5. Core Questions (Analyze the text) a.Tactics tells the children several times that they need to walk in someone else's shoes before judging the person. Describe times when Tactics, Scout or Gem walk in someone else's shoes. How does this change how they view the situations? What role does this advice play in sympathy and compassion? B. Should Boo Raddled have been locked away in a mental institution when he was a teenager? Why or why not? C. At one point Gem describes four kind s of â€Å"folks† in Macomb County:†our kind of folks don't like the Cunningham, the Cunningham don't like the Ells, and the Ells ate and despise the colored folks. What does To Kill a Mockingbird teach us about how people cope with issues of race and class? Do you classify people in your world as different â€Å"folks? † Do you see those sort of distinctions today? D. In the last few lines of To Kill a Mockingbird Scout says, â€Å"he was real nice†¦ † And Taluses replies, â€Å"most people are, Scout, when you finally see them. † Do you agree that most people In the novel are nice once you see them? How Is Tactics able to see the good side of people despite all he has experienced? Can you? E.Rank In order of culpability (blameworthiness or responsibility) for the death of Tom Robinson the following characters: Bob Lowell, Mr.. Gillian (prosecuting attorney Male Lowell, Individuals on the jury, and Tom Robinson. F. What do you learn about the different attitudes toward Macomb's black population from the conversation at Aunt Alexandra ladles tea? How do these attitudes help explain Tom's conviction? G. When Tom Is being cross-examined by Mr.. Gilder he says, â€Å"l felt right sorry for her. † Why was this a mistake? Why is it that â€Å"nobody liked Tom Robinsons answer. H. One of the chief with Boo Raddled and the trial of Tom Robinson are not sufficiently connected in the novel. I. Why do you think Harper Lee divided the book into two parts? Do you think it worked effectively? Find evidence to support your assertion I. Why does the author tell the story through the voice of Scout instead of Gem, Tactics, or Tom Robinson? J. Why did Harper Lee title her book To Kill a Mockingbird? K. This book is continually banned from the high school reading list because of racism, sex, and foul language.Do you believe this book should be banned? Even though this book was published in the sass's, how can this book relate to to day's society? 6. Closing Questions a. Has your understanding of the novel matured or significantly changed through this discussion? B. What else did you learn during the course of the discussion? 7. Debriefing a. Did you meet your personal goal during the seminar? / What will you work on next time? B. Was there anything about the seminar that bothered you? C. What could we do to improve the seminar? D. What will you remember about the seminar?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Practice in Changing Verbs From Passive to Active Voice

Practice in Changing Verbs From Passive to Active Voice In this exercise, you will practice changing verbs from the passive voice to the active voice by turning the subject of a passive verb into the direct object of an active verb. Instructions Revise each of the following sentences by changing the verb from the passive voice to the active voice. Here is an example: Original sentence:The city was nearly destroyed by the hurricane.Revised sentence:The hurricane nearly destroyed the city. When youre done, compare your revised sentences with those below. The school was struck by lightning.​This morning the burglar was arrested by the police.​One type of air pollution is caused by hydrocarbons.​An elaborate supper for the miners was prepared by Mr. Patel and his children.​The cookies were stolen by the Mad Hatter.​New York Citys Central Park was designed in 1857 by F.L. Olmsted and Calbert Vaux.​It was decided by the court that the contract was invalid.​The first commercially successful portable vacuum cleaner was invented by a janitor who was allergic to dust.​After Leonardo da Vincis death, the Mona Lisa was purchased by King Francis I of France.​The allegorical novel Animal Farm was written by British author George Orwell during World War II. Below are revised versions of the sentences in the exercise. Lightning struck the school.​This morning the police arrested the burglar.​Hydrocarbons cause one type of air pollution.​Mr. Patel and his children prepared an elaborate supper for the miners.​The Mad Hatter stole the cookies.​F.L. Olmsted and Calbert Vaux designed New York Citys Central Park in 1857.​The court decided that the contract was invalid.​A janitor who was allergic to dust invented the first commercially successful portable vacuum cleaner.​King Francis I of France purchased the  Mona Lisa  after Leonardo da Vincis death.​British author George Orwell wrote the allegorical novel  Animal Farm  during World War II.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Good Essay Writing Skills

Good Essay Writing Skills Good essay writers and paper writers are not born writers rather they are nurtured. Writing is a skill, and like any other, it is learnt with time. It calls for self-motivation and focus. The beginning of good essay writing The beginning of good essay writing is not an endeavor of one day; it sprouts from long hours of toils and labour. Good writing is a combination of both ‘self’ and ‘other’. What do I mean? By â€Å"self† I mean personal effort which may be achieved through reading and practice. By ‘Other’ I mean an exhortation from those around us or a call of need from situation where one is forced to start writing (may it be for monetary gains or professional development or exposure). Good writing may also come about as a result of environment one grew in, an environment that encouraged reading and writing. Parents and first teachers in this case have a great role to play. Conclusively it can be said that good writing is a combination of ‘self’ and ‘other’ but the former takes precedence. Elements of good essay writing Elements of good writing include: 1. Originality: Good writing consists of internalization and bringing out the best that can be! It is not a duplication of other people’s ideas; it goes beyond. 2. Self-discipline: the writer should be focused and disciplined, ready to make self-sacrifice 3. In-depth reading. Good writing is all about consulting various sources to have a good backing. 4. Openness to learning: one should be open to learning, should have openness of mind to receive ideas from others. 5. Relaxed mind: one should be relaxed to allow the flowing of ideas. 6. Variation of tone in writing: the writer should be able to vary the language structure, be simple, concise and clear Conclusively, good essay writing is a skill that continues to be sharpened with years of experience; it is a process that requires patience, persistence and pursuance.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Reasons to Celebrate Your Favorite Teacher

7 Reasons to Celebrate Your Favorite Teacher The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) instituted World Teacher Day on October 5. However, many countries observe Teacher Day celebrations independently. In America, students celebrate  Teacher Appreciation Week  in the first full week of May. In that week, Teacher Appreciation Day is celebrated on Tuesday. How You Can Celebrate Teacher Day On Teachers Day, students express their gratitude and  appreciation  to their teachers. Many educational institutes commemorate Teacher Day with elaborate entertainment activities that include short plays,  dance,  and music. Parent volunteers and Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) members often host a small celebration party for the teachers. As a student, you can put up banners, and posters with  a thank you note  scribbled on them. Express your appreciation through  thank you cards. 7 Reasons to Appreciate Teachers A Teachers Influence Lasts Forever: In the words of William Butler Yeats, Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. We must credit our teachers who ignite the fire of learning in the mind that is yearning for knowledge. Someone once said, Teachers dont impact for a year, but for a lifetime. A teacher can make a lasting impression on your mind. This influence persists beyond school, college, and university, and becomes the beacon of light, guiding us through the journey of life. Good teachers play the role of a parent, providing encouragement, inspiration, and invaluable guidance.Teaching Is Not Easy: Not everyone can be a teacher. Sure, you can pursue teaching programs to gain the necessary certification to be a teacher. But a good teacher has to have certain qualities to be an icon of inspiration. Great teachers are those who can extract the nectar of goodness from young aspirants. They can fish out the hidden qualities of every student. With words of inspir ation, persistent training, and rigid discipline, they steer the students in the right direction. Great teachers teach the student to believe that nothing is impossible. Teachers Impact Many Generations:  Everyone has a favorite teacher. You may love this special teacher for her charisma, enthusiasm, or knowledge. Often, your best memories of childhood revolve around a great teacher, who inspired and changed your life. Their words  or actions linger in your memory decades after you leave school. Subconsciously, you emulate them as you pass on your knowledge to the next generation. Thus, a great teachers influence can last for many generations.Teaching Self-Reliance: By setting the right example, a teacher can impress the importance of self-reliance, instead of expecting help from others. This can teach students to build on their strengths and be responsible for their successes and failures. Students can learn to push their limits.Teachers Teach You to Seek Knowledge:  You may have come across some teachers who instilled value education in you. This kind of education can mold a human being for life. Teachers bear an enormous responsibility of pa ssing on their wisdom and knowledge. Italian astronomer and mathematician Galileo expressed, You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself. Good teachers help in enabling this discovery. They open new avenues  and encourage students to explore and achieve their true potential. The Best Teachers:  Recollect the good qualities of your favorite teachers. You may notice some common qualities. They motivated you to work harder, and take bigger initiatives. They are passionate about their subject and enjoyed teaching. Good teachers understand the importance of nurturing the love and thirst for knowledge. Some nuggets of their valuable advice remain with you forever. Their insight broadens your horizons and enables you to expand your knowledge.Teachers as Entertainers: Good teaching involves good delivery. African-American scholar and teacher John Henrik Clarke rightly said, A good teacher, like a good entertainer, first must hold his audiences attention; then he can teach his lesson. It is not enough to simply know your subject. To initiate learning, teachers have to make the classroom experience enriching. Appreciate Your Teacher's Efforts With Gratitude Use this opportunity to get to know your teachers better. Share your thoughts and ideas and learn what inspires them. Make beautiful Teacher Day cards with  Happy Teacher Day quotes to express your admiration. One beautiful Teachers Day quote by Albert Einstein goes, It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. Every Day Is Teacher Day Why wait for  Teacher Day to come around? You dont need a special occasion to express your affection towards your teacher. Make each day of your teachers life special with thoughtful words and deeds. A first-grade teacher is pleased as punch whenever she gets a hand-made card from one of her students. Overlooking the spelling mistakes and scrawny handwriting, she says that it is the thought that counts. Your Success Is Your Teacher's Success A teacher considers herself successful when her students achieve success in their respective careers. For her, the only reward is your advancement. On Teachers Day, pay a visit to your alma mater, and meet the teachers who molded you. You will be surprised to find that they remember you, even though many years have rolled by. Your visit might bring tears of joy to their eyes. Express your appreciation by writing a personalized message. It is the best gift you could ever give your teachers.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The crucible by arthur miller, John Proctor's diary Coursework

The crucible by arthur miller, John Proctor's diary - Coursework Example It is already night and that is when Reverend Hale came to my house. While Hale was investigating our role in the witchcraft, the court’s clerk named Cheever was at my doorstep. As soon as I saw him, I became nervous and feared that something wrong is about to happen to me. However, when he demanded to see Elizabeth, accusing her of being involved in the crime of witchcraft, my fear got heightened. I also become very concerned. I could not believe that even a simple doll would be used against Elizabeth. She got frightened and is drowned in tears. The plight of my children without their mother crossed my mind and made me more anxious and scared. I was guilt ridden as well. I felt that I could have talked about Abigail’s lies and her wrong intentions in the court earlier itself. I went back further down the memory lane and felt I could have surely avoided the affair with this questionable woman. But, I felt that I cannot be weakened by her arrest. Instead, as she gave me a goodbye and left the house, I had sworn to myself that I will protect her and will not allow anything bad happen to her. I reached the court to show to the world that Abigail is coming up with these false accusations against my wife due to her vengeance against me. I thought that if I could first prove to Governor Danforth that all accusations of witchcraft are false than half of our battle is won. At the same time, I understood that it is not an easy task to complete. I feared that the village people have already idealized these â€Å"afflicted† girls. Considering this challenge, I even brought Mary Warren to reveal the lies of those girls before the court. However, all these plans of mine were spoiled by the girls who started accusing Mary Warren of witchcraft. Aye, it is all lies. But, I was shocked and helpless when Mary also started accusing me of being a witch along with my wife. Hearing this accusation, I was so angry and at the same time felt hapless. I felt

Friday, October 18, 2019

Decision makin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Decision makin - Essay Example This section reports on decision to implement an e-supply chain by Jaguar Land Rover through analysis of sources of information for making the decision, evaluation of the available information, and explains appropriate communication of the information to help managers in making the decision. Available sources of information Multiple sources of information exist for making decision on application of e-supply chain by Jaguar Land Rover. The company’s customers form the first source of information. As the end user of the products, the customers determine the quantity of products to be availed at different points of a supply chain at given times. The customers’ locations and preferences also influence decisions on supply chains for utility objectives. Competitors are another set of information source as they determine competitiveness of the industry. Based on customers’ preferred choice of supply chain and trend in demand, information on competitors’ supply ch ains is necessary in determining the most suitable option that can gain Jaguar Land Rover an advantage over the competitors. Competitors’ intentions for new approaches to supply chain are another source of information for planning purposes. Another source of information for the decision is professional bodies and experts who can offers vast information of financial and legal scope of available supply chain options. Financial information involves cost of installation and implementation of different supply chain alternatives and information on legal scopes include rights and liabilities that can emanate from implementation of available supply chain options and involved contracts. Other sources of information include â€Å"industry and trade associations,† â€Å"conferences and trips, superiors and board members† and other members of the organization (Auster and Choo 1994, p. 211). Analysis of available information through decision-making models One of the availabl e information about the company is its ownership that exclusively belongs to TATA and which means that TATA’s interest must be incorporated in the decision making process. Jaguar Land Rover is also a major player in the competitive motor vehicle industry, a position that identifies competitors, their initiatives, and potential supply chain alternatives as significant information. The company’s target market that is the set of luxurious consumers who are majorly dignitaries and the royal class is also significant to the decision making process. Jaguar Land Rover has also witnessed expanding market in the international scope. Stakeholders’ interest in the company’s operations such as workers’ job safety and impact of the company’s operations on the economy are other fundamental information for the decision because the stakeholders have power, both directly and indirectly, to influence the management’s decision to implement or rescind of fered recommendations on e-supply chain for the company (Mottram and Pierron n.d., n.p.). Analysis using the Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique (SMART technique) The Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique, also referred to as SMART techniques for decision-making, offers a basis for analyzing the company’s available information. The decision making model depends on variables’ values and chances of occurrences upon which weights are attached to variables and cumulative values for each alternative determined for decision. The first step in implementing the decision model is

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 58

Journal - Essay Example 91). In Journal 3, I talked about something I learned from tutorial 25. Tutorial mainly introduces prepositions and prepositional phrases to us. I have made mistakes while practicing the preposition usage. I always perceived it to be difficult. Preposition usage includes the recognition of prepositions and usage within sentences in individual writing. I learned from the book that there are three different uses of prepositional phrases. The first is the single word preposition. At, as, and about depict some of the examples (Ferris 2014, p. 94). The use is to connect words. The second kind is two-word preposition inclusive of, in addition, on average, of course, and so on. These phrases are the preposition with a noun, and they are used to make two sentences more consistent. The third kind is a three-word preposition. It means that the phrases comprise three words like in order to, as a result, by the way among others. In journal 4, I talked about something I learned from tutorial 13. I learned many concepts relating language use, academic writing, formality, and poverty issues. Among the most confused words included poverty and informal language usage. During the informal language lesson, I learned that it is not appropriate to term language usage as informal because it is applicable to many contexts. Regarding the levels of formality quotes should be reproduced exactly as they are while taking care on the first and second person pronouns in the academic writing work. In addition, it is proper to avoid the first person references to create a great impression on the readers. Moreover, when using emails, memos, and business letters, the recipients’ title needs consideration. In the context of professional and academic writing, specific writing styles prefer particular and consistent ways of writing references. Individuals, who are unable to reference correctly, should regularly refer to the conventions provided for in reference guiding manuals (Ferris 2014,

Three Levels of Local Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Three Levels of Local Culture - Essay Example When you study the artifacts level you find that in Bastrop volunteers usually interpret the parish history using local artifacts. The level of architecture of buildings is high. There are several building permits given in a year. In the job industry people use formal language. Newspaper and radio cover the news. Values and beliefs are explained in the sense that when IPC mill was closed the mayor predicted that a lot of people will be affected. This could be termed as his own view. In Bastrop there are various attraction sites which include Cairo museum, Tensas river national wildlife and others. The rate of crime is 75.79% than the national average. The government promises a great work force in order to make small businesses grow (Bastrop, 2015). Bastrop has hardworking people though the poverty line is high. For example multinational organizations operating beyond their own national culture, will still have influence of the deepest culture level. Underlying values reflect the way individuals evaluate the self and world. The decision to build a wood pellet in Bastrop will be observed to see if it will be successful or not hence forgotten. Culture exists as: the front line followed by middle management and lastly is corporate level (Nurdin,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Women Gender studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Women Gender studies - Essay Example My breakfast is often characterized by bodybuilding foods that enable me retain a masculine and handsome stance. I leave my room to get breakfast, which entails coffee, a snack and a fruit such as an apple. However, in some cases I take breakfast in a bit of rush conscious of my departure time. Being a bodybuilding boy arguably requires more time to get ready to leave than girls do. This can be attributed to the fact that my desire for a masculine heavily built body requires adequate time for eating and rigorous exercise every day. Whereas I spend significant amount of time shaping up to a heavily built muscular man, girls spend time applying makeup and dressing up to attain a feminine look. Girls’ activities can be directly linked to women in search of beauty. Adoption of such practices in search of beauty can be attributed to the community setting and expectations that have been passed on from generation to generation. Likewise, I find myself focusing more on how my body is built because the societal expectations of handsomeness is based on muscular looks. However, there has been a trending shift with gender roles and expectations almost coming to a convergence. For example, every now and then we see some men visiting salons and using a wide variety of products whereas women are also spending more time jogging to keep strong and fit. In the past men, used only the basic products such as skin oil as opposed to this days where men plait their hair, use hair products among other cosmetics. I am not surprised that part of my shopping as a man involves manicure and pedicure products albeit sparingly. Societal expectations for men to have well built bodies have arguably caused an equal amount of trouble. Purchase and use of steroids and other muscle enhancing drugs is on the rise. Likewise, slimming products and programs have taken toll on the modern woman in bid to stay within societal expectations. For example,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Literary analysis on Seize The Day by Saul Bellow to describe, Essay

Literary analysis on Seize The Day by Saul Bellow to describe, analyze, and interpret - Essay Example Without evaluating the self, one’s own abilities, individual races after secular achievements, thinking that there is no world beyond the external world, the world as interpreted by the power of one’s intellect. Many are not willing to accept that the inner world exists within every human being. God, call Him the Omniscient Power, All-pervading Reality, Light-Consciousness or any other name that various religions hail him, can not be comprehended by one’s intellect. Howsoever great may be one’s intelligence, one can not understand him through the mind-apparatus. The mystery of Nature is beyond description and intellectual arguments. The final frontier of logic and reasoning is mind. The primary duty of the mind is to confuse the human being. The scale of materialistic civilization has two measuring points-success or failure. It eulogizes the successful and condemns the failure! But it ignores the process of living by an individual. How one has faced life i n is trails, tribulations duty and beauty. The protagonist of the novel, introduced to the readers at the age of mid-forties, has the wrong start and finds it difficult to cope up with the challenges of life. He is unable to join the mainstream of society and finds himself a loner. †¦then some thing happens on a particular day, about which his mind has forewarned him! How Tommy Wilhelm encountered the predicament and made efforts to meet the cumulative pressure that has been building up within his inner self? â€Å"As a young man he has rejected his father’s profession, medicine, tried for a career in Hollywood, been tricked by a phony talent scout, ended up in sales and lost his sales district due to nepotism.† (Cronin, 2003†¦.)A college dropout, married and divorced, with two children, his finances are in a mess. He somehow wishes to recover the lost ground and

Women Gender studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Women Gender studies - Essay Example My breakfast is often characterized by bodybuilding foods that enable me retain a masculine and handsome stance. I leave my room to get breakfast, which entails coffee, a snack and a fruit such as an apple. However, in some cases I take breakfast in a bit of rush conscious of my departure time. Being a bodybuilding boy arguably requires more time to get ready to leave than girls do. This can be attributed to the fact that my desire for a masculine heavily built body requires adequate time for eating and rigorous exercise every day. Whereas I spend significant amount of time shaping up to a heavily built muscular man, girls spend time applying makeup and dressing up to attain a feminine look. Girls’ activities can be directly linked to women in search of beauty. Adoption of such practices in search of beauty can be attributed to the community setting and expectations that have been passed on from generation to generation. Likewise, I find myself focusing more on how my body is built because the societal expectations of handsomeness is based on muscular looks. However, there has been a trending shift with gender roles and expectations almost coming to a convergence. For example, every now and then we see some men visiting salons and using a wide variety of products whereas women are also spending more time jogging to keep strong and fit. In the past men, used only the basic products such as skin oil as opposed to this days where men plait their hair, use hair products among other cosmetics. I am not surprised that part of my shopping as a man involves manicure and pedicure products albeit sparingly. Societal expectations for men to have well built bodies have arguably caused an equal amount of trouble. Purchase and use of steroids and other muscle enhancing drugs is on the rise. Likewise, slimming products and programs have taken toll on the modern woman in bid to stay within societal expectations. For example,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

English as a Second Language Essay Example for Free

English as a Second Language Essay America is truly a great nation. With all its progress, everyone outside the country desire to live and migrate in this country. In fact, it has become a popular migration destination aside from Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Thus, in every city in America, there are communities of people with diverse culture and origin. Hence, this paper attempts to dissect the policies being implemented by the government concerning English as a second language in America. History  The history of Bilingual Education in the United States can be traced in the founding of America as the nation’s founder adopted neither an official language nor a government-sanctioned body to regulate speech (Ovando, 2003, p. 1). Carlos T. Ovando of the Arizona State University reveals that behind the monolingual culture image of America, thousands of other American Indian languages were spoken in the 15th century, paving for the complexities and diversities in the linguistic culture of America. But Ovando says, most of these languages were filtered along with their cultural realities, as the founders envisioned a â€Å"country with a unified history, traditions, and a common language† (2003, p. 2). Ovando noted that this vision was based in general on the English system and schooling practices (2003, p. 2). But, language policy controversies from the beginning not prevented the founders to enforce a mono-language system or to regulate speech (2003, p. 2). During that time European language particularly Spanish was dominant that they were treated with respect more likely than others, and their speaker being accommodated in school and government services. Ovando calls this formative period as the period of â€Å"linguistic tolerance† because of the absence of strong and solid policy on language diversity (Ovando, p. 3). As the influx of immigrants from European countries continuous, diversity of language continuous to widen as immigrants hang on to their maternal languages. Thus, in the 19th century, laws were passed authorizing Bilingual Education. American states were allowed bilingual instructions in public and private schools (Ovando, p. 4). Research Many individual Americans were so concerned to have a national language and this reflected in the slogan â€Å"one country one language† (Ovando and Willey as cited in the work of Reid and Bourne, p. 141). The most notable was Noah Webster who attempted to create â€Å"a unique national character defined by common American English (Ovando and Willey as cited in the work of Reid and Bourne, p. 41). Their desire must be legitimate since English language has now been spoken around the world by about 1. 5 billion people. That means, English language has now become global and a stand as a medium of communication world wide. Thus, there is a need to teach English on schools not only in America but in every country of the world. Jill Bourne and Evan Reid pointed out that because of English is widely spoken; it has a wide range of context from air-traffic control down to popular music (p. 161). These according to Reid and Bourne create a need to learn English language to be able to communicate internationally. In the report made by Patricia Anne DiCerbo, throughout America, many foreign students are enrolling ranging from elementary to high schools, which’s common reason is migration from many parts of the world; and the dominant group among other groups is the Spanish-speaking people who are mostly coming from Latin America. She also noted that this group of students is the fastest growing group in the United States. These students are facing a lot of challenges in terms of academic performance because of language barrier. This problem poses some problems; for instance, in her (DiCerbo’s) report, about fifty-fifty percent of Latino Youth are having the opportunity to graduate or finish high school. This simple report gave DiCerbo a perception that English Language Learning should be given to foreign students. Ovando in the book English Language Learning in America pointed out some reasons or fears why English language is now being pushed (as cited by Reid and Bourne, p. 138). A lot of Americans are worried about the influx of immigrants from Latin America for fear they may pose threat to the cultural integrity of the nation. There are common concerns that American cities will be filled with Spanish or German-speaking aliens; and they live for years speaking only their own mother tongue and will never learn English (Reid and Bourne, p. 138). Another thing is that they fear that foreign language speakers may weakened the national body of politics as what had happened in Quebec, Canada because of the dominant French speaking aliens. Ovando quoted Governor Dick Lamn’s statement emphasizing the need to make English the official language in schools and in government. The statement said â€Å"immigrants who fail to assimilate in the society are social time bombs. † Finally, Ovando emphasized that in order for any one to get ahead; one has to be fluent in English (p. 138). In view of the above historical background, there is no reason to reject English Language Learning for it does in the first place, emphasize the need for everyone to learn and be fluent in English. Carrasquillo and Rodriguez said that ELL students are encouraged to learn academic and skills in English (p. 20). English Language Learning according to them means only of advancing simultaneously in the stages of developing interpersonal skills, mastering subject area content and skills, and acquiring academic language proficiency for each subject area, all in their second language which is English (Carrasquillo and Rodriguez, p. 0). Through retention of ELL, limited English proficient students are given the opportunity to cope up deficiencies in learning using English as medium of communication. Theory For us to be able to make a conclusion regarding the issue of bilingual policy in education, it would be important to understand the theoretical argument regarding this matter. There are various theories about bilingual policies of the United States but as space constraint, this paper cited only one theory although, there are several theories that discussed about bilingual education in the United States such as theory of Kloss (1977-1988) regarding the tolerant mood during the formative years; Baron (1990) emphasizing on slight development of English Language for the past two hundred years; REcinto (1998) which is talking about poor language minorities. It is easy to agree that these theories help in understanding language policies, especially on making conclusion about the issue. As Ovando pointed out that history is full of evidence that support any of these theories. The theory of Heath (1983-1990) tells us that the relationship between the literacy practices from each community corresponds closely to the literacy practice and expectation of the school. Heath found out that children from other community with English as their second language excel in their own community but fell behind in school. These children are perceived as lacking in school readiness skills at the point of entry. This means that children having native language aside from English would have poor academic performance because of language deficiencies which supposed to be not since curriculum-wise, American schools are better. Foreign students are having deficiency in terms of literacy level because of racial division or factor. Conclusion America is an English-speaking nation and English language is the internationally accepted language. It is the sovereign right of America to enforce to its citizens the use of their tongue as official medium of instruction both in public and private, as well as in government. Language is very important and it is a unifying instrument of a nation. After centuries of tolerance, it is high time that America unites its citizens by being monolingual. This is highly important since America has become the convergence of many nations such as African, Asians, European and other languages in the world. If each of the foreign community living in the United States will use instructional materials in their native tongue, as well as use it as a medium of instruction inside the classroom, America is in danger of breaking into pieces their culture and language. In the same way, the government offered the ELL as a means to help immigrant students to cope up with the difficulty of speaking English in the classroom. This training provides necessary practices and lesson in order to develop communication skills among the students. Also, ELL is offered in all schools in America as part of the curriculum of students whose native language is not English. Thus, the ELL is thoroughly learned and mastered through which, students learn mastery of the language as well as skills of communication in English. In the words of Carlos Ovando, children need to learn the English language for them to get ahead.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Concepts of Electrical Principles

Concepts of Electrical Principles Everything is made of atoms; in turn atoms consist of a combination of minuscule particles known as neutrons, protons and electrons. The nucleus of an atom consists of protons and neutrons while electrons exist in a cloud surrounding and rotating around the nucleus. The electron and proton are capable of holding an electrical charge; electrons hold negative charges and protons positive charge. We know that like charges repel each other while opposite charges have the opposite effect in attracting one another. If we wish to measure the flow of electrons around a circuit we refer to this as a measure of electrical current. Electric current is represented by the symbol I and is a quantity of charge carriers passing a given point in a circuit. This is calculated as coulomb of charge passing a defined point in one second, which as a unit is given the name ampere abbreviated to A. This can be measured using an instrument called an ammeter which when connected in series with a circuit to measure the current passing through it. For electric current to flow around a circuit there must be a voltage across it. Voltage is a measure of the potential difference (p.d), which acts like electric pressure pushing the current around the circuit. The pressure can be read in a circuit by a voltmeter, which must be applied through the resistance. This happens when there is a deficit of electrons in a conductive material and this is then connected to another material with excess electrons. This is the case in a battery where chemicals allow electrons to flow from the negative terminal that contains an excess of electrons and the positive terminal containing positively charged protons. This happens because opposite charges attract one another. 1.4 Resistance This flow of current faces opposition from resistance; this is a quantity of how much the electrons bump against the particular conductor they are flowing through. Some materials conduct electricity better then others. Materials that have a high resistance conduct electricity less well. Resistance limits the flow of electrons between the positive and negative ends of a circuit. We measure resistance in units called ohms (ÃŽÂ ©). One ohm is defined as the amount of resistance you have in a conductor when applying one volt of electrical pressure creates one amp of current. 1.5 Energy When electrons sit high in there shells surrounding the nucleus they have electrical energy. This energy can be harnessed to do work in various ways, if the electrons bump into atoms this can cause them to move around which creates heat, they create electromagnetic waves as they travel which can use there attraction and repulsion to move things magnetically, and if the electrons move down there electric shells they give up excess energy giving out light in the manner of photons. 1.6 Charge Carriers The sub-atomic particles that carry charge are known as protons and electrons as previously discussed electrons are negatively charges while protons are positively charged. The unit to measure the quantity of electrical charge (Q) is the coulomb (C) where 1 coulomb of charge is equal to charged electrons. If one coulomb of charge passes a point in one second we say this is one ampere of current. We can use our knowledge of math to deduct that if then if we take (I) as the current in amperes and t as the time in seconds then: Electrical Principles/ Kirchhoffs Laws 2.1 Potential Difference The pull created by the difference in charge between the two sides of a circuit is called the potential difference, which is otherwise known as the voltage. Voltage sources that have higher attractive forces are known to have a higher potential difference. The units we use to measure voltage/potential difference is known as the ampere which is explained in section 1.6 as one coulomb of charge passing a given point in one second. 2.2 Ohms Law a) Ohms law relates Voltage, Current and Resistance in the following equation: I = current in amperes V = voltage in volts R = Resistance in Ohms This law states that the current I flowing in a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage applied to it and inversely proportional to the resistance. b) For a 5m length of wire with a resistance of 600 ohms we can apply this law. If you where to half the length of wire you would half the resistance as there would be half as much material for the electrons to bump into. c) If we where to increase the length of the wire to 8m we can see that the resistance increases as create more material for the electrons to crash into. d) To find the length of the same wire when the resistance is 420 ohms we do the following sum: So we can say that the same wire with a resistance of 420ohms would measure 3.5 meters. 2.3 Resistance Variation If a piece of wire has a cross sectional area of 2mm2 and a resistance of 300 ohms Find the resistance of the same length of wire if the cross sectional area is 5mm2. Given that resistance is inversely proportional to cross sectional area, increasing the cross sectional area increases the flow of electrons, we can calculate this mathematically as such: b) Find the cross sectional area of a wire of the same length and material of resistance 750. 2.04 Calculate the resistance of a 2km length of aluminium overhead power cable if the cross sectional area of the cable is 100mm2. Take the resistivity of aluminium to be 0.03 x 10-6 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦m Show the equation you are using in your answer. We know that and that if we combine these rules we can create the formula . With one more piece of information we will be able to take the material used into account. This is done by including the resistivity of the material into the relationship treating it as a constant of proportionality. We use the symbol à Ã‚  (Greek rho). The final equation will look like this: 2.5 Power If electrical energy (W) = Charge (Q) x Voltage (V) then :- a) Show the equation for power in terms of current( I) and voltage (V). Electrical Energy (W) = Charge (Q) x Voltage (V) W = Q x V Power (P) = Current (I) x Voltage (V) P= V x I b) Using Ohms law explain how power can also be expressed in terms of I and R, and, V and R. P= V2/R P = I2R C) An e.m.f. of 250V is connected across a circuit resistance and the electric current through the circuit resistance is 4A. What is the power dissipated in the circuit? 2.6 a) To discover the potential difference across the winding we use Ohms law as follows: Voltage (V) = Current (I) X Resistance (R) V= 5A X 100ÃŽÂ © V = 500V b) If we wish to find the power dissipated by that same coil we use our equations for power: Power (W) = Voltage (V) X Current (I) P= 500V x 5A P = 2500 Watts 2.7 A 12V battery is connected a load having a resistance of 40ÃŽÂ ©. a) Determine the current flowing in the load. For this we must again use Ohms law rearranged to make I the subject. I = V /R I = 12V / 40ÃŽÂ © I = 0.3 Amps Determine the power consumed by the load. To calculate this we use our power equation again using the figure we just calculated for the current. P = VI P = 12V x 0.3A P = 3.6 watts c) Determine the electrical energy dissipated in 2 minutes. Electrical Energy (W) = Charge (Q) x Volts (V) Current is charge per second and we discovered that this circuit runs 0.3Amps, finding how much energy is dissipated in 2mins first requires changing minutes to seconds. 2mins = 120 seconds W = Q x V W = (120 X 0.3) x 12V W = 432 Watts 2.8 a) Explain what is meant by one unit of electricity with reference to Electrical Charge (Q), Voltage (V) and Time (T). A standard unit of electricity is usually calculated as a Kilowatt-hour (KWh), Which is 1000 watts of electricity dissipated for one hour. SEE MY BOOK ON THIS b) Determine the power dissipated by the element of an electric fire of resistance 20à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ when a current of 10A flows through it. For this situation we are provided with the current at 10A and the resistance at 20à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ therefore we can use our power equation to find how much power is dissipated. P = I2R P = 102 x 20 P = 2000 watts c) If the fire is on for 6 hours determine the energy used and the cost if 1 unit of electricity costs 13p. Firstly we take the power consumption in watts from we determined in question b then apply the following equation to it: Cost per Unit x Watts / 1000 Multiply the per-hour cost by the running time. 26p x 6h =  £1.56p 2.9 Analyse this resistors in series circuit: a) Express V in terms of V1, V2 and V3. VT = V1 + V2 + V3 Voltages in this circuit will each have a different value if the resistances are different but if you add all the values together they should in total equal the supply voltage. b) Express the total circuit resistance (RT) in terms of R1, R2 and R3. Resistances in series always add together. This can be expressed as: RT = R1 + R2 + R3 c) Express in terms of I what the electric current is through the ammeter-A, R1, R2 and R3. In a series circuit the current is the same in any part of the circuit so readings using the ammeter would be the same as any reading taken on each of the resisters R1, R2 or R3. 2.10 A 12V battery is connected across a circuit having three series-connected resistors of resistances 4à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦, 9à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ and 11à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦. a) Determine the electric current through the circuit. As this is a series circuit the current would be the same throughout the circuit, to calculate this we must use ohms law, first we know that resistances add together in a series circuit to give the resistance total. 4à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ + 9à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ + 11à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ = RT = 24à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ Then we must implement Ohms law: I =V/R I = 12V / 24à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ I = 0.5A b) Determine the p.d. across the 9à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ resistor. Via Ohms law and our previous current calculation, we calculate the voltage across the 9à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ resister. V2 = I x R1 V2 = 0.5 x 9 V2 = 4.5 Volts c) Determine the power dissipated in the 11à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ resistor. P = I2R P3 = 0.52 x 11 P3 = 2.75 W 2.11 Two resistors are connected in series across a 24V supply with a flow of electric current of 3A within the circuit. If one of the resistors has a resistance of 2à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ determine: a) The value of the other resistor. R2 = RT R1 R2 = 8 2 R2 = 6à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ Trusting in Ohms law we can find the value of the other resistor using the values given for total voltage and current and knowing that resistances in series add together to give the resistance total. RT = V/I RT = 24/3 RT = 8à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ b) The p.d. across the 2à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ resistor. Solving this requires Ohms law. V1 = I x R1 V1 = 3A x 2ÃŽÂ © V1 = 6 Volt c) How much energy is used if the circuit is connected for 50 hours. P=VI P=24v x 3 P=72W 50h = 180000s W = Q x V Q (charge) = I (current) x t (time) W =180000 x 72 W = 12960000 Watt/joules 2.12 Analyse the resistors in parallel circuit. a) In terms of V, express the p.d. across R1, R2, and R3. V= I1R1 = I2R2 = I3R3 We see that the voltage is the same across each resistor. b) Express the total load current I in terms of I1, I2, and I3. 2.13 For the circuit shown below, determine: a) The reading on the ammeter, In a purely parallel circuit the voltage will be the same in each branch of the circuit. V=I x R V = I1 x R1 V = 8 x 5 = 40V I = V/R3 I = 40/20 = 2A b) The value of resistor R2. We now have all the values for I, = 11 8 2 = 1A R2 = V/I2 R2 = 40/1 R2 = 40à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ 2.14 Find the value of resistor that can replace the six resistors in this diagram. We know that resistances in series can be added together to give the total resistance, in this example we have a parallel network of resisters in series with 3 more resisters. Treating this parallel network as a single resistance will allow us to calculate the total resistance of the circuit easily. Convert the resistances to conductance: Adding them together gives us the total conductance 0.52G This can then easily be converted to resistance. Now the parallel circuit can be treated as a single resister, we can add all the resistors together and find the total resistance of the circuit giving us the value of a resister we can replace it with. 2.15 Analyse the circuit below and determine: The currents I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, and I6 We can treat the two sets of parallel resisters as single resisters if we first convert them to conductance and then for each add the conductances together then convert back to resistance. For the set of 3 parallel resisters: The Set of two: The three resisters can be added to give our RT We can now add these conductances together giving us our total conductance for the set of two resistors. This can then be converted to a combined resistance easily: We now proceed to do this for the set of three resistors: We now have the equivalent of 3 resistors in series, which we know can be added together to create a single resistance: Now that we know the total resistance for the circuit we can find I1 easily using Ohms law: We must now find the voltages V1, V2 and V3 in order to later find the currents through the network branches. =20V And now V2 Next I will calculate V3 We can check this by adding all of the voltages to see if they equal the total voltage we have been given. This is over by 1.4V but I believe this is due to the compound effects of the rounding bug and that the calculations made are correct. We know that the current through I1 is 5A now we will work out the currents through the branches of the parallel resistances using Ohms law: 2.16 State Kirchoffs first (current) law. Show that the currents I2 and I3 combined are equal to the input current I1 Kirchhoffs Current Law states: The sum of the currents entering a particular point must be zero. So all currents entering a point must equal all the currents flowing from it. Therefore we must now think of the currents flowing from the junction as negative currents. i1  +  i2  +  i3  +  i4  = 0 Observing our circuit we see 11A of current going in, this means that the same amount of current must come out. Therefore To prove this we calculate I1 and I2 using Ohms law I2= V/R I2=10/10 I2= 1A I3= V/R I3=10/1 I3= 10A We can now calculate I1 expecting it to equal our given figure of 11A. I1= I2 + I3 I1=10+1 I1=11A 2.17 Using Kirchhoffs first (current) law, calculate current I1 and I2 in the network below. Kirchhoffs first current law states that the sum of the current entering a point must be zero. Examining the junctions we have 1.2A and 4.5A flowing in and 0.6A and I1 are flowing out. 1.2 +4.5 = I1+0.6 1.2 + 4.5 0.6 = I1 I1= 5.1A For I2 there are three currents flowing in but none flowing out. This must mean that the last value is a negative value. 5.1+3 + I3 = 0 8.1 + I3 =0 I3 = 8.1A 2.18 The potential divider shown below is used as a simple voltage calibrator. Determine the output voltage produced by the circuit: (a) When the output terminals are left open-circuit (i.e. when no load is connected); We can solve this using the Voltage Divider Rule. Connecting a resistor to V-out will create a parallel resistor network. We can use the product over sum formula to find the comparable resistance because there are only two resistors. to 1 dp With this information we can calculate the voltage. V=0.2V 1dp 2.19 A moving coil meter requires a current of 1 mA to provide full-scale deflection. If the meter coil has a resistance of 100à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ and is to be used as a milliammeter reading 5 mA full-scale, determine the value of parallel shunt resistor required. REVIEW ME Make the meter useable over 5ma by adding a resistor to switch the range of the meter like you would on a none autorangeing multimeter. This is done by adding a resistor IN PARALLEL with the meter. 2.20 Two resistors, one of 15 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ and one of 5 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ are connected in parallel. If a current of 2 A is applied to the combination, determine the current flowing in each resistor. As there is only two resistors we can use our product over sum equation to find the total value of resistance the parallel network provides. Using this we are now able to find the voltage. Now we can find the current through each branch, I1: I=V/R I1 = 7.5/15 I1 = 0.5A I2: I=V/R I2 = 7.5/5 I 2= 1.5A 2.21 A switched attenuator comprises five 1 kà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ resistors wired in series across a 5V d.c. supply. If the output voltage is selected by means of a single-pole four-way switch, sketch a circuit and determine the voltage produced for each switch position 1KÃŽÂ © 1KÃŽÂ © 5V Switch 1KÃŽÂ © 1KÃŽÂ © Vout Answer: 1V, 2V, 3V, 4V, 5V 2.22 With the aid of a diagram, briefly explain in your own words Kirchhoffs second law. In an electronic loop the sum of all the voltages around the circuit taking polarity into account will equal zero. For example if you where to travel around a circuit following conventional current taking the voltage at each resistance including the battery and added all of those voltages up including negative voltages the sum would equal zero. We would see that the battery would give the circuit charge a EMF while all of the resistances would dissipate this force. 2.23 Using Kirchhoffs second law, determine the value of e.m.f. (E) in the circuit below. E+5=14 E= 14-5 E=9V 2.24 Using Kirchhoffs laws together with the use of simultaneous equations, determine the current flowing in each branch of the network shown in the circuit below. Here we are presented with essentially two loops of current where readings in the connecting part of the loops will be affected by one another. We will use Kirchoffs laws to solve the problem by first treating the current as two separate loops. We use simultaneous equations to find our two unknowns I1 and I2 . Loop Two E2 = I2r2 + (I1 + I2)R 2 = I2 + 4I1 + 4I2 2 = 4I1 + 5I2 Loop One E1 = I1r1 + (I1 + I2)R 4 = 2I1 + 4I1 + 4I2 4 = 6I1 + 4I2 6I1 = 4 4I2 Substitute I1 into the second loop. Amps As we have obtained I1 we can now work on I2 4 = 6I1 + 4I2 R=I1+I2 2.25 Analyse the circuit shown below and determine the following parameters a) The current in each branch of the circuit. I1 = I2 = 1.233A b) The voltage across the load resistance. 0.426 c) The power dissipated by the load resistor. P= d) Use computer software to verify your results. 26) A temperature sensor is connected into a bridge measuring circuit as shown. If the value of the sensor is 110R at 0oC and it increases by 0.2% for every degree the temperature rises and falls a corresponding amount if the temperature drops. What voltage will be output on the voltmeter when the temperature is :- (a) 25oC (b) 100oC (c) -40oC Build the circuit using Multisim and demonstrate your answer to part (b) is correct. First we will calculate how the changes in temperature will affect the resistance of the sensor: Now we must find the voltage for the left hand side of this wheatstone bridge. V1=3V And now the right hand side of the bridge, this will vary each time as the resistance of the sensor changes. Firstly we will be doing question a) with the sensor representing 115.1ÃŽÂ ©: The reading on the voltmeter will be the difference between those two calculations b) Now we continue the calculations for the second value of resistance for the sensor. With the sensor representing 132ÃŽÂ ©: The reading on the voltmeter will be the difference between those two calculations c) Now we continue the calculations for the third value of resistance for the sensor. With the sensor representing 132ÃŽÂ ©: The reading on the voltmeter will be the difference between those two calculations 2.27 For the Wheatstone Bridge circuit below, what value of R1 will produce a balanced bridge? Using your calculated answer build the circuit in Multisim and demonstrate your answer is correct. 2.28 A 1m long resistive wire of uniform cross section is connected to a 6V source as shown. If a sliding contact is placed 0.35m from one end and connected to an unknown e.m.f. then no current is measured on the ammeter. A) What it the value of the unknown e.m.f.? This can be solved using the voltage division rule.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Loves Labours Lost Essay -- Plays Shakespeare Papers

Love's Labour's Lost The Elizabethans thought of it merely as "a wittie and pleasant comedie" ; Samuel Johnson remarked that "all the editors have concurred to censure [it]" ; and William Hazlitt opined, "If we were to part with any of the author's comedies, it should be this." It was not until well into the twentieth century that Love's Labour's Lost really came into its own, and this fact alone may be enough to make a case for it as Shakespeare's most forward-looking play. It is its ending in particular, an unexpectedly grim conclusion in which nothing is actually concluded, that has appealed to modern sensibilities and made Love's Labour's Lost the Shakespeare play for the twentieth century. Trevor Nunn makes this point emphatically in a recent National Theatre production that presents Love's Labour's Lost as a tale of society's passage out of the nineteenth century in the devastation of World War I. Though neither this idea nor any other aspect of his production is entirely novel, it emerges as possi bly the darkest interpretation of the play yet presented, taking the disturbing qualities that have so delighted modern audiences and pressing them to their limits and beyond. Reading the play now, it seems hard to believe that the unusualness of the ending could have gone apparently unnoticed for so long. With the stage set for the usual comedic ending of multiple marriages, the news of the Princess's father's death comes as a complete shock: Marcadà © enters at a moment of such carefree mirth that the Princess playfully chides him, "thou interruptest our merriment" (5.2.712). A moment later, his news is told and the atmosphere of the play has noticeably changed, as Berowne himself acknowledges when he says, "The scene begin... ...ns. Ultimately, Nunn succeeds in making his dark vision of Love's Labour's Lost convincing, and in using the play to make the usual points (the fleeting nature of happiness and happy endings, the necessity of confronting difficult realities, the inevitability of death) with exceptional force. But these triumphs come at the price of two priceless aspects of Shakespeare's ending: its unanticipated overthrow of audience expectations and its startlingly modern open-endedness. Bibliography Gilbert, Miriam. Love's Labour's Lost. Shakespeare in Performance Series. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1993. Holland, Peter. English Shakespeares. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Peter, John. "Growing Pains," Sunday Times, Feb. 2003, p. 19. Woudhuysen, H. R., ed. Love's Labour's Lost. 3rd series. London: The Arden Shakespeare, 1998.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Legendary Camelot :: Camelot

The Legendary Camelot This king lay at Camelot one Christmastide With many mighty lords, manly liegemen, Members rightly reckoned of the Round Table, In splendid celebration, seemly and carefree (Stone 22). This is the only time that Camelot, home of the Arthurian legends, is mentioned in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The fourteenth-century poem seemingly gives no clue as to the location of the castle of King Arthur (Alcock 15). According to the Encyclopedia Brittannica, the "real" Camelot is to be found at a number of locations: Camelot, in Arthurian legend, was the seat of King Arthur's court. It is variously identified with Caerlon, Monmouthshire, in Wales, and in England, with the following: Queen Camel, Somerset; the little town of Camelford, Cornwall; Winchester, Hampshire, and, especially since archaeological

Friday, October 11, 2019

Tattoos in Todays Society

Tattoos In Today’s Society Preparation Outline: Informative Speech on Tattoos in today’s society. Specific Purpose: The purpose of my speech is to inform my college speech class about the stigmas, obsessions, and acceptance of tattoos in today’s society. Thesis: After listening to my speech, each person in my audience should be informed about how tattoos have taken on a different meaning from previous generations and are becoming more accepted in today’s society. Introduction I. People with tattoos come from many different culture backgrounds.I personally have tattoos and find it to be an art. In addition to having tattoos, I researched this topic extensively by consulting sources such as The Journal of American Culture, StatisticBrain. com, and The Journal of Popular Culture. II. Tattoos are no longer the purview of bikers, punks, and thugs, tattooing is increasingly practiced and appreciated by mainstream, middle class individuals. III. Tattoos are a for m of art that allows individuals to express themselves in ways other than using words.The media has played a big part in why tattoos are more accepted today then 10-15 years ago. Transition: Let’s start with the stigma associated with tattoos. Body I. Even though not nearly as bad as previous generations, having a tattoo does come with stigmas. A. Religious groups, cults, and gangs have tattoos as a symbol of their dedication to one’s specific group or belief. B. It’s believed if you have tattoos you are rebellious and are more likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol at a younger age. C.Individuals with tattoos are associated with having mental issues and damaged egos, who engage in deviant behavior. Transition: Now that I have told you about the stigmas that go along with having a tattoo, lets discuss the obsessions with tattoos. II. Despite the fact that millions of individuals have tattoos, not all bodies are equal in American culture. There is indeed, a difference between people who have tattoos and the tattooed people. (Bell 55-56) It’s a collection of art on ones body. A. A person’s first tattoo is the start of their collection.It can be compared to a drug, an instant addition. B. Tattooed people say by getting tattoos it allows them to express themselves though body art. C. Tattoos have meaning, some spiritual, some sentimental and some just express their personality in the form of art. It can be explained as a montage of one’s life. Transition: Now that I’ve told you about stigmas and obsessions associated with tattoos, now lets discuss the acceptance of tattoos in today’s society. III. America has become a tattooed nation. A. 45 million Americans have tattoos. B.The annual amount of US spending on tattoos is $1. 65 billion a year. C. Everywhere you turn you are hearing or seeing tattoos in television, magazines, movies, actors, models, musicians, and idolized athletes. In conclusion, today we have discussed the stigmas, the obsessions, and the acceptance of tattoos in today’s society. Conclusion Although there are still stigmas associated with tattoos, with the help of media and Hollywood, there are still individuals who find comfort in being able to express themselves through body art. References . Tattoo Statistics.Pew Research Center, Tattoo Finder, Vanishing Tattoo, 23 Jul 2012. Web. 24 Feb 2013. . John Roberts, Derek. â€Å"Secret Ink: Tattoo's Place In Contemporary American Culture. † Journal Of American Culture 35. 2 (2012): 153-165. Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Koust, Mary. â€Å"An Ironic Fad: The Commodification And Consumption Of Tattoos. † Journal Of Popular Culture 39. 6 (2006): 1035-1048. Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. Bell, Shannon. â€Å"Tattooed: A Participant Observer’s Exploration of Meaning. † Journal of American Culture 22. 2 (1999): 53–58. Print.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

American Music and Culture

American Music and Culture: Jazz Dance Jazz dance, is defined as any dance to Jazz accompaniments, composed of a profusion of forms. Jazz dance paralleled the birth and spread of Jazz itself from roots in black American society and was popularized in ballrooms by the big bands of the swing era (1930s and '40s). It radically altered the style of American and European stage and social dance in the 20th century. The term is sometimes used more narrowly to describe popular stage dance (except tap dance) and Jazz-derived or Jazz-influenced forms of modern dance.It excludes social dances lacking Jazz accompaniment ?† the rumba and other Latin-American dances. The original steps were exemplified out in the plantations, and Jazz dance itself came about as a crossbreed of American culture, European Jigs and the music and movement were tradition of the African slaves. Jazz music obviously inspired some of the first documented Jazz dance choreography, and this further adds to the rich and diverse history of Jazz dance.Europe lent elegance to the technique; Africa gave it its movement and rhythm, and America allowed it to have the exposure and growing popularity that has sustained it as a cherished dance style today. Jazz dance developed from both 19th- and 20th- century stage dance and traditional black social dances and their white ballroom offshoots. On the stage, minstrel show performers in the 19th century developed tap dancing from a combination of Irish Jigging, English clog dancing, and African rhythmic stamping.Tap dance and such social dances as the cakewalk and shuffle became popular vaudeville acts and appeared in Broadway revues and musical comedies as these replaced vaudeville early in the 20th century. In addition, comedy, specialty, and character dances to Jazz rhythms became standard stage routines. By the 1940s elements of Jazz dance had appeared in modern dance and in motion picture choreography. The History of Jazz Dance During the early 1900's we find more and more blacks performing outside of the narrow stereotype of the minstrel show. Again the traveling shows spread the music and dance culture of black people far and wide.In addition to the spreading of culture, there was another important aspect to the events taking place: it was the beginning of the musical theatre. The black musical revue offered comedians, singers and dancers an opportunity to perform without making fun of their race. Out of such erformances, one became aware of new dance developments: cakewalks, grinds, comedy dance, etc. Another important factor in this discussion on the historical development of modern Jaz dance is always the constant dance involvement and development in the everyday lives of black people.Dance has always been a part of the expression of black people in church, at social gatherings, etc. Probably the social or vernacular dance, as Stearns calls it, is more important than any one particular form that evolved out of it. So as the da nce of the musical revue evolved, it was directly associated with and tied to the everyday dance of the people. Prior to 1900 there were such black shows as The South Before the War, The Creole Show, Oriental America, etc. Many of the dance movements associated with Jazz dance can be traced to Atrican intluences.Slaves captured in Atrica brought their dancing traditions across the Atlantic. Once in the new country, the African slaves continued to use dance as a means of self-expression and an emotional outlet, despite being forbidden to dance by their owners. Until the mid 1950s, the term â€Å"Jazz dance† often referred to tap dance, because tap dancing (set to Jazz music) was the main erformance dance of the era. During the later Jazz age, popular forms of Jazz dance were the Cakewalk, Black Bottom, Charleston, Jitterbug, Boogie Woogie, Swing dancing and the related Lindy Hop.Although the stage popularized certain social dances, many others were transmitted mainly in social gatherings. The dances that gave rise to social forms of Jazz dance developed from rural slave dances. In both early dances and 20th-century Jazz dances, there is a noticeable continuity of dance elements and motions. The eagle rock and the slow drag (late 19th century) as well as he Charleston and the Jitterbug have elements in common with certain Caribbean and African dances.In addition, the slow drag contributed to the fish of the 1950s; the ring shout, which survived from the 18th into the 20th century. After the 1950s, pioneers such as Katherine Dunham took the essence of Caribbean traditional dance and made it into a performing art. With the growing domination of other forms of entertainment music, Jazz dance evolved on Broadway into the new, smooth style that is taught today and known as Modern Jazz, while tap dance branched off to follow its own, separate evolutionary path.The performance style of Jazz dance was popularized to a large extent by Bob Fosses work, which is exe mplified by Broadway shows such as Chicago, Cabaret, Damn Yankees, and The Pajama Game. Modern Jazz dance continues to be an essential element of musical theatre, and it can often be seen in music videos and competitive dance. Jazz Dance Techniques Throughout its history, Jazz dance has developed in parallel to popular music. This pattern of development has resulted in a few elements of movement key to the dance style, the most important being that Jazz is they physical embodiment of the popular music of a given time.An example of this is that during a down time of Jazz dancing from 1945-1954, when big bands and dance halls were declining, the vernacular of the dance followed less Jazz music and leaned more toward rock and roll, creating moves like â€Å"The Monkey† and â€Å"The Jerk† Syncopated rhythm is a common characteristic in Jazz music that was adapted to Jazz dance in the early twentieth century and has remained a significant characteristic Isolations are a qu ality of movement that were introduced to Jazz dance by Katherine Dunham.Improvisation was an important element in early forms of Jazz dance, as it is an important element of Jazz music. A low center of gravity and high level of energy are other important identifying characteristics of Jazz dance. Jazz, tap and musical theatrical dance are â€Å"cousins. † These forms of dance are tied to everyday music, songs and rhythms. Jazz dance involves a range of lively, often sensuous body movement and percussion techniques, with a mix of tap steps, social dances and ballet.New forms of Jazz dance developed with new music, such as the Charleston, swing, rock and roll, and the Caribbean reggae. Other elements of Jazz dance are less common and are the stylizations of their respective choreographers one such xample are the inverted limbs and hunched-over posture of Bob Fosse. Fosse was an American actor, dancer, musical theater choreographer, director, screen- writer, tilm editor and til m director. He won an unprecedented eight Tony Awards tor choreography, as well as one for direction.He was nominated for an Academy Award four times, winning for his direction of Cabaret (beating Francis Ford Coppola for The Godfather). His third wife, Broadway legend Gwen Verdun, helped to define and perfect his unique and distinct style simply referred to today as â€Å"Fosse. â€Å". Jazz Dance Pioneers and African Americans Katherine Dunham was an anthropologist fascinated by dances of the Caribbean. She researched them and then devised her own style of dance and teaching methods. She went on to dance on Broadway and to form her own school.Her school in New York was very influential in the 1950s and her technique of pelvic and spine isolations is now a part of almost every Jazz class. Jerome Robbins was the greatest Broadway Jazz choreographer of our time. He dealt with action, humor and adolescent themes in his Broadway musicals and films. He choreographed Fancy Free and Wes tside Story among others. His choreography was powerful and appealed to huge audiences. His influence on Broadway is still felt today. Gus Giordano has received many awards for his outstanding lifetime contribution to Jazz dance.He has been involved in all facets of dance: dancer, teacher, choreographer, author, and founder of Gus Giordano Jazz Dance Center in Chicago. Giordano's book, Anthology of American Jazz Dance , was the first book of its kind and was instrumental in helping turn the study of Jazz dance into a respectable and important American dance form. Gus has been involved in dance for T. V. , film, stage and commercials. His companys current goals are to seek out talented new choreographers and dancers and highlight their work.Also to educate, as well as create, an awareness of Jazz dance as a true artistic expression of American life, both nationally and internationally. Major Events of Jazz Dance and Jazz Dance Today In 1931, when the New Negro Art Theatre presented a recital which included a suite of interpretive dances based on Southern spirituals, old limitations were defied and a precedent was established. 6 A pioneer black dancer in the interpretive field, Hemsely Winfield, was the moving spirit behind the program.The suite dealt with an area of black life which had never before been presented through dance on the stage. The subject matter and approach of the dance went beyond the scope of the black dance tradition and in doing so the suite set a precedent for future interpretive presentations of black music and dance. Vaudeville, or the variety show, was initially a European tradition of traveling performers moving from town to town with their skits, songs and dances. In America, this provided opportunity for a range of popular entertainers to thrive, such as Bill â€Å"Bojangles† Robinson a black tap dancer.Show ancers Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers blended flowing ballet movements with more abrupt rhythmic movements of Jazz. Conce rt Jazz dance developed as a revue or series of separate Jazz dance productions. Musical comedy/theatre evolved from variety shows. Themes, story lines and chorus work developed into the musical theatre we know today. Agnes de Mille, who choreographed Oklahoma, elevated the impo rtance ot dance in the theatre prod uction. Today, Jazz dance is present in many different forms and venues. Jazz dance is commonly taught in dance schools and performed by dance companies around the world.